Merkel: Total withdrawal from politics – News


The losses of the CDU in the last election in the German state of Hesse seem to have consequences.

Chancellor Angela Merkel no longer wants to run for president. This was known party circles Monday morning.

Retirement also as Chancellor

A little later, another explosion: Merkel wants to withdraw as Chancellor. After the current legislature, she wants to leave the post of head of government.

At the meeting of the federal executive of the CDU, she stated that it was her last term. The next election is scheduled for 2021.

The explanation of Merkel

"The picture given by the federal government is unacceptable," Merkel said at a press conference after the elections in Hesse. She talked about the bad work culture in GroKo.

Personally, she said: 18 years at the head of the CDU are a "daily honor" for her. At the same time, she has the "sure feeling" that it is time "to open a new chapter". Already during the summer break, she would have made the decision to separate from the leadership of the CDU, Merkel said on German news portals.

Get out of politics

The resignation as chancellor and head of the CDU will at the same time be a permanent withdrawal from politics, Merkel said. It will not target any other political post after 2021 (for example in Brussels).

successor rumors

The successor to the presidency of the party could be the former trade union leader Friedrich Merz. According to the newspaper "Bild", he is "ready" to badume responsibility if the party wishes it. He could publish his plan on Monday, as they say.

CDU Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer and Health Minister Jens Spahn also wish to apply.

Feast day to come

Merkel does not want to re-elect the party president at the party's next congress, it was said. Merkel reportedly informed the ruling on Monday at the presidium of his party.

The party convention will be held in Hamburg in December. Until now, it was badumed that Merkel wanted to remain party leader. The new election slap in the state of Hesse (after Bayern's poor elections) has probably changed in view.

Election in Hesse

Although Merkel's party, the CDU, in the elections in Hesse, became again the first – but with heavy losses. The SPD has also lost a lot. The winners of the elections were the Greens, the FDP and the AfD.

In the election results, badysts have especially seen one thing: the great Berlin coalition was punished again. Citizens are tired of the ongoing conflict, they say. In any case, it scolds in the holidays.

The SPD with its leader Andrea Nahles is also under pressure and could – "save the party" – even announce the grand coalition at the federal level.

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