Metal strike increases pressure on employer


After the start of the warning strikes in the metalworking industry, workers further increased their threat potential on Monday. We expect a "substantial offer," said Rainer Wimmer of the union.

If there is no new round of negotiations with a "substantial offer, it will be really serious on November 19," Wimmer continues. Workers want APA information to eliminate whole positions next Monday – stopping work by eight hours instead of two to three hours during ongoing warning strikes – no significant progress has been made. has been registered so far in the negotiations.

The employers reiterated Monday, even after the union's increased threat potential, have already submitted a substantial offer. Of course, they wanted to continue trading, so it was said to the issue of improving the offer of 2.7% more in salary.

Do not target offers via the media

The offers would not be adapted to the media, but negotiations were at the rendezvous. "The unions criticize the problems of style, but do not provide any serious justification for their rejection," criticized the spokesman of the negotiators on the employer side, Christian Knill, even before the new threat of the league in a statement. They have already made a good step towards a compromise, says Knill.

Metallurgists start to hit

Metalworkers have been on strike since Monday morning – because, from their point of view, wage negotiations have not progressed so far.

In his conversation with the APA, Wimmer looked very different: he again stressed that the offer was much too low. He also left no doubt that employers are on the train. He is ready to speak, but: "We will start negotiations when the employers are ready to make a substantial offer, and we will not let ourselves be deceived, as in the last forty hours of negotiations."

Big support according to Wimmer

Support for strikes (warning) was important among the workers, Wimmer said. Many would say "finally something moves". Thousands of people were dismissing for two or three hours on those days. Wimmer mocked the fact that the head of government had again commented on the Metaller-KV case. It was just a "scam": those who would indirectly criticize the warning strikes would also be those who would have claimed an appropriate diploma, such as Wimmer to Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) and Vice Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache (FPÖ).

Although the strike is legitimate as a last resort, it is important to approach each other and "not to engage in alternative political struggles on the backs of workers and companies," Kurz said. and Strache in a joint written statement addressed to the APA. Both politicians appealed to the social partners. According to Strache, "this is not the way of resistance to follow, but that of communion and sit together until there is a mutually satisfactory agreement" .

200 warning strikes across the country

Currently – from today and until Wednesday – more than 200 warning strikes are taking place all over Austria. On Monday, for example, Collini GmbH was affected in Vienna, whose managing director, Johannes Collini, negotiated Metaller-KV on the employers' side – more on this in

Last week, the fifth round of the KV Metaller – which consisted strictly of six individual KVs – failed. In concrete terms, talks with the metallurgical industry have failed. 130,000 metalworkers out of a total of 130,000 work. Until now, qualifications in the other five areas, apart from minimal details, were entirely based on the KV for the metallurgical industry. Wimmer, as he claims today, also wants to "defend with all his might".

Until Wednesday, there will be discussions on KV in smaller metal regions. According to Wimmer, there will only be diplomas obtained after graduating from the metallurgical industry. Today, discussions in the auto industry have also been "constructive," he said. There is no warning strike there. How to proceed in the different metal parts, you only know it at the very end, so Wimmer.


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