Mexico announces deportations to Central America «


After occasional chaotic states on the border with the United States, the Mexican government has announced the expulsion of many Central Americans to their homelands. Anyone who has "violently" attempted to enter the United States will be removed from Mexico, Interior Minister Alfonso Navarrete said. Hundreds of migrants stormed the border facilities in Tijuana on Sunday.

17:23, November 26, 2018


The migrant group overcame border barriers in several places. Forty-two people reached the United States, where they were arrested, as US border guard Rodney Scott told CNN the next day. US security forces have closed for hours the border between Tijuana and the metropolis of San Diego, southern California. US President Donald Trump warned that the border could possibly be closed permanently.

In Tijuana, about a thousand migrants demonstrated peacefully. Finally, about 500 participants sat down to overcome the border. Among them were women with children. The Mexican police could not stop the crowd, which pbaded over a first metal barrier and then crossed a concrete riverbed.

At the present time, many migrants did not know whether they were already in the United States or not. As they approached a second border facility with barbed wire, US border guards sent tear gas. In the crowd, many were then covered with t-shirt faces. A large part of the migrants turned around. The hopelessly hung mothers hugged their children.

"They will kill us," shouted a woman. Meanwhile, US Army helicopters flew over the area. Migrants reported that US officials also fired rubber bullets. One of them showed two bruises three centimeters on his belly. The State Department of Honduras, from which most migrants come, has condemned the use of rubber bullets.

US border guards Scott have only confirmed the use of tear gas. The officials chose this method after being bombarded with pebbles by the crowd. This was not a "peaceful" event. The 42 inmates are mostly adult men. Trump once again claimed that many "frozen criminals" were among the migrants.

In Tijuana, some 5,000 caravan participants from Central America arrived recently. Faced with this worsening situation, Trump had announced this weekend an agreement with the future government of Mexico that asylum seekers would be forced to stay in Mexico while considering their application by US courts. However, the Mexican interior minister, Olga Sanchez Cordero, has denied that the agreement is already sealed.

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