Michelle Obama felt abandoned as a mother – News International: America


First, a clarification that will disappoint all those who are on Michelle Obama not only with admiration, but also with hope: no, she will not run. There are many people who want that. There are also investigations in which the former First Lady of the United States appears as a possible candidate for the democratic presidency. And it is not unusual for a female candidate to prepare her campaign by writing a book about herself. Barack Obama did it once too. So, if Michelle Obama's book comes out on Tuesday, that does not mean she may be doing it. ,?

No. That does not mean that. "I say it very clearly," Michelle Obama writes. "I have no intention of standing for election, I have never been a supporter of politics and what I have experienced in the last decade has not helped to change the mind. "As for Obama, Washington can go to hell safely.

The book, which will be published this Tuesday worldwide in two dozen languages ​​- in German: "Becoming. My story, says Goldmann, has more to do with the past than with the future. In the first part, Obama talks about his childhood and youth in Chicago, his stint at Princeton and Harvard and his work as a commercial lawyer in a large law firm.

It sounds like a solid legal career, but that's not all. Because there were three major hurdles in Michelle Obama's life that could have easily blocked a career for a weaker, less determined personality: she grew up in the southern part of Chicago, the poorest part of the city; she is black; and she is a woman. And black women on the South Side are not Harvard graduates. Michelle Obama became one, and who knows a little about American society knows what that accomplishment is.

She goes to Donald Trump and reveals intimate details of her marriage with Barack Obama: Michelle Obama releases her autobiography Video: Youtube

Barack Obama was rather an idiot compared to his future wife when they met in Chicago in the early 1990s. Bright and ambitious, but also a little wanderer who, as he had admitted, loved to drink and drink. Michelle Obama tells her story and that of Barack in the second part of the book. And it is not always a good story.

On one side, there is a deep love. Obama writes in the book a sentence about himself and her husband, as no former first lady has written yet. "By the time I allowed myself to feel anything about Barack, I was overwhelmed with feelings – a huge wave of pleasure, gratitude, accomplishment and admiration. " This is not what you read about your predecessors.

The merciless rival

On the other hand, there is politics, the second big pbadion of Barack Obama and a merciless rival. The husband is a candidate for the state of Illinois, then the US Senate.

Getting children turns out to be more difficult than expected. Michelle Obama's first pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, a shock that shakes her deeply. The girls Sasha and Malia arrive in the world by artificial insemination, a long procedure that largely faces Michelle Obama. Barack is a politician, Michelle works in the office, she raises children and feels abandoned. In the end, a couple therapy saves the marriage.

He is his big love: Barack (right) and Michelle (left) Obama. Photo: Getty Images

It is not surprising, and it was never a secret, that Michelle Obama did not think about her husband's presidential bid in 2008. "He did not want me and I did not." she writes. She finally agreed because "I thought Barack could be an excellent chair". These are also phrases that will probably also sign Melania Trump. After all she knows about her, she would have preferred to keep her former life as president. It was different for both.

Clear opinions

In the third part of the book, Michelle Obama describes her years at the White House. She is the first Black First Lady – an office that does not really provide for the United States Constitution, for which there are no strict rules, but for which the Americans nevertheless have every claim to make.

Moving Speech: Michelle Obama bids farewell to his post with much hope, but with a lot of hope. (Video: Tamedia).

Each sentence is dissected, everything she says and does can be used as ammunition for the opponents of her husband. Obama saw it during the election campaign, when she was described as "angry black woman" by the right-wing media to scare off white voters. As First Lady, she deliberately begins small: she plants a vegetable garden in the park of the White House. She is trying to be a role model for girls across the country, especially for black girls who want to see that there are no limits to their dreams and ambitions. This has no influence on daily politics and there is no indication that it bores him.

"When they go low, we go high," she warned during the 2016 election campaign.

But Michelle Obama has clear opinions, and the clearest opinion she expresses in her book on Donald Trump. For her, descended from slaves, the new president is simply a badist, racist and xenophobe, his choice being a relapse into dark times. The fact that Trump has repeatedly fueled the slanderous conspiracy theory that Barack Obama is not a real American citizen has "never forgiven him," she writes.

The caustic and hurtful tone of American politics, the vulgarity and carelessness with which politics evolve – all this finds Michelle Obama scandalous and disgusting. She has always preached civilization and respect, to counter the low blows of the political opponent by moral superiority. "When they go low, we go high," she warned during the 2016 election campaign. The victory of Trump has of course shown that hate, hate and anger are sometimes more effective. It's clear to Michelle Obama that she does not want to sneak into this swamp.

She has always defended civility and respect: Michelle Obama wants to invite Americans to vote. Photo: Getty Images

Michelle Obama will be touring with her book in the United States in the coming weeks. He has booked large venues, hundreds of thousands of fans will attend the "intimate discussions" as these mega events are marketed. It shows how much Americans still love their former first lady.

This will not change the dark state of American politics. But it will remind the country for a few weeks that Trump's insults and lies should not necessarily be used as a criterion for dealing with each other.

(Editors Tamedia)

Created: 12.11.2018, 20:48

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