Minister of Development Müller: The peoples of Africa "warn against illusions about Europe"


The Minister of Development, Gerd Müller, has spoken in favor of the creation of a Commissioner for Africa of the European Union. For him, "all the threads of a coherent African policy should converge," said the CSU politician of the "Rheinische Post".

The EU budget must set new priorities, instead of adhering to the ideas of the 80s. From 2021 to 2027, the EU wants to spend 39 billion euros in Africa. "It's a tenth of what is planned for agricultural policy and a proof of the little that we perceive Africa as an opportunity," criticized Müller

China and Russia far ahead in Africa

Rare raw materials such as coltan and lithium have ensured for the digital and electrical industry. The minister announced that in transit countries close to African countries of origin, he would be more and more aware of the dangers of fleeing Africa to the north of Europe. "Three times more refugees die in the desert than in the Mediterranean," Müller told the newspaper. With partners like France and Britain, he wanted to "warn against illusions about Europe" in Nigeria, Eritrea and Somalia.

See also

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