Minister of the Interior Kickl: "Not inhuman, but reasonable" | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


You want to usher in a "Copernican Revolution" in asylum politics. What vision of the world do you want to say goodbye?

Kickl: World Vision Concrete in which tugs set the tone

Do you want to pave the way here at the top of Innsbruck?

Kickl: I am very pleased that we now wanted to destroy the Schlepperei case under the Austrian leadership. We must move away from the false concept of solidarity. By this I mean the compulsory distribution of refugees. We have received clear mandates from the European Council, which we now want to implement step by step. In Innsbruck, the concrete aim is to initiate the paradigm shift in the field of external border protection and a new asylum system.

You speak of a false solidarity.

Kickl: Because the term was used unidimensionally. I am in favor of solidarity in the protection of the external borders, in cooperation with third countries. I do not want any more money and people to be able to win Europe with money.

No resolution is pbaded in Innsbruck. Do you always plan a final document?

Kickl: This is possible. In principle, I am satisfied with the informal nature of the Innsbruck Summit because we can approach the issues in a much more open way.

The document that was created during the Vienna process made a lot of noise. According to this principle, no asylum application should be allowed in Europe in the future. At the same time, they do not want applications on the planned landing platforms. Where can a person who seeks protection still apply for asylum?

Kickl: The planned platforms are for the saved people of the Mediterranean. It should in no case be submitted an asylum application. I also think that in the future, no asylum application can be made on European soil, with the exception of those who are persecuted and who come from one country neighbor of the EU. We are not responsible for persecuted people anywhere in the world. This is also in line with the Geneva Convention on Refugees. We can still think of choosing the most vulnerable according to our possibilities. It is not inhuman, but reasonable.

To take an example, there is war in an African country. People from there will be denied asylum in Europe?

Kickl: There will be no war in all the neighboring countries of the country where the war is going on. But I can easily imagine that an EU Member State will bring people to its country with "flying commissions" from a third country. But this country must also take care of these people.

Will messages remain a taboo for asylum applications?

Kickl: Yes, otherwise we would create an attraction factor.

Since the Treaty of Amsterdam, your vision is contrary to EU law.

Kickl: Our actions do not violate the Refugee Convention. And if one or the other of the EU law terms needs to be changed, then it must be changed. With Horst Seehofer, Matteo Salvini and you, you have the impression that you are in tune with the asylum policy when it is about isolating Europe, but as soon as you national measures are discussed, it is with you. communality more.

Kickl: We are not far from each other. We have a restrictive asylum policy. The Seehofer master plan is also strongly inspired by Austria.

Seehofer said that Austria agrees to accept all asylum seekers from Germany who have already applied for asylum in Austria.

Kickl: We respect the applicable law and we will not take responsibility for anyone who does not fall under our jurisdiction.

How many asylum seekers will Austria take in charge?

Kickl: That's not much. This problem is not practical

What do you expect on the German-Austrian border and on the Brenner?

Kickl: We are ready for anything. But I do not rule out that we control very, very strictly the Brenner.

As Minister of the Interior, you play more and more the role of a slave-God.

Kickl: Little does it matter that the Twitter bubble and the left have no pleasure in pursuing a restrictive asylum policy. But I get a lot of encouragement from the people, from those who work hard.

Do you now understand yourself more as Minister of the Fatherland?

Kickl: For me, the ministers of the interior and of the interior are synonymous.

The FPÖ is still called "social homeland party". The social seems to have been lost.

Kickl: I promise you: the regulation on working time will bring all the improvements. The factual substrate of the SPÖ propaganda does not exist. Nobody talks anymore about smoking regulations. This will soon be the case with working hours.

The interview was conducted by Michael Sprenger

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