Mittersill: Dachstuhlbrand – the spread of fire could be avoided – Pinzgau


MITTERSILL. The Landesalarm- und Warnzentrale alerted Mittersill firefighters to a fire in the Klausen district on Sunday afternoon. Already at the approach, the chief of operations noticed a strong development of smoke and increased immediately to alert level 2.

Locally, the emergency services had the following situation: The second floor and the carpentry were already on fire. At first we still did not know if there were people in the building.

The task force immediately sent two respiratory patrols into the building to see if there were still people in the object and trigger the alert level 3. Meanwhile, the tanker launches an external attack using water cannons.

After having searched all the rooms, it was found that there was no one in the building anymore. The respiratory patrols then fought the fire on the second floor by means of a jet hose. In addition, a respirator triggered the fight against the fire on the roof by the aerial ladder and the power of the truck ensured Felberbach's water supply.

Thanks to the fight against fires, firefighters were able to control the fire. for 10 respiratory protection teams in action. While the latest embers have been extinguished, the investigation into the cause of the fire has already been carried out by the police.

The first operational forces were able to enter the fire station at 19:30. Compensation work continued until 21:00 clock. A fire station remained on site. Many thanks to fellow firefighters Stuhlfelden, Hollersbach, Zell am See and Saalfelden as well as colleagues from the Red Cross and Police for their support!

In action:
Mittersill Fire Brigade with 41 men
Firemen Stuhlfelden with 25 men
Firemen Hollersbach with 38 men / women
Firefighters Zell am See (respiratory protection vehicle) with 8 men / woman
Saalfelden firefighters with 4 men / women (Einsatzfahrzeug Pinzgau)
Franz Fritzenwanger

Text and photos: FF Mittersill

At the press release of the Landespolizeidirektion Salzburg: This way.

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