Monday, Lugner meets a lawyer


Lugner against Lugner could be called soon. Or more now Because this name is the reason for a dispute between Richie and Mausi.

Wanted to prevent marriage

The architect does not like the fact that his ex-wife still wears his family name despite his remarriage. On oe24.TV, the mastermind argued that the divorce comparison shows that Mausi had to leave the surname Lugner in case of renewed marriage. But she did not do it. "It's Richard's attempt to prevent me from remarrying, but that does not mean anything," she justifies


In general, Christina thought of the terms, Mausi Lugner &, and Mrs. Lugner & # 39; trademark. This does not suit the Bau-Löwen: "Then her next husband could accept Lugner's name." Lugner's ecstasy: "First to settle with me in court, to file the name in case of renewed marriage and then patent it" It bothers me a lot. "

Soon a lawyer

Monday, 9.7 Then it's time and the builder wants to sit down with a new lawyer and discuss everything.

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