Money laundering charges against the former King of Spain Juan Carlos I "


The government wants to get evaluation of intelligence services.

20:54, 16 July 2018

The Ex-King Juan Carlos © ​​APA / AFP / JAIME REINA [19659008] Money Laundering Allegations Against The former King of Spain Juan Carlos I is currently making a splash in Madrid. The Spanish government said Monday that it wanted to catch up in the case first the badessment of the secret services. The Minister of Public Works, Jose Luis Abalos declared that the government wants to hear what the head of the secret services Felix Sanz Roldáan said

. published on which, according to experts, the German Corinna zu Sayn-Wittgenstein should be heard. The woman's voice in the case raises allegations of corruption and money laundering against Juan Carlos, with whom the German nobles would have had an affair.

Thus, the monarch deposited money on the Swiss account of a cousin and his name Land purchased in Monaco and Morocco . In addition, the woman reported that Juan Carlos had separated from Mrs. Sofia and wanted to marry him – he had embezzled money from a train contract at high speed with Saudi Arabia to fund it

and a retired police chief in pre-trial detention suspected of money laundering would have been inducted in 2015. Juan Carlos I thanked in 2014 as a that King of Spain, his son Felipe VI. followed him.

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