Mopedraser fleeing to Schärding with over 120 km / h in front of the police


Schärding. A moped driver escaped from the police last night while they wanted to stop him with seemingly excessive speed.

A police patrol fell on 23 July 2018 at 19:40 in Schärding on the Otterbacher Moped road. He obviously confronted the police at an excessive speed. When the police car turned, the moped driver fled over 120 km / h in the vicinity of Brunnwies, Schädring, Dobl and Hueb. Finally, the acceleration machine at the roadside of the goods "Reikersmühle" (municipality Brunnenthal) was stopped. A test on the chbadis dynamometer finally resulted in a speed of 113 km / h (5th report). The registration certificate and the registration plate were temporarily removed from the 16-year-old boy from Schärding District. Other reports according to the KFG, the FSG and the StVO will be refunded to the Bezirkshauptmannschaft Schärding.

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