Munich Airport: How passengers live in chaos – Munich


After the security margin on Saturday, thousands of pbadengers are still stranded at Munich Airport. Many are stoic, others are angry at the bad information policy.

By Isabel Bernstein and Fabian Heckenberger

Still Sunday morning, the aftermath of Saturday's Chaos Day can be seen everywhere. Already on the alley of Terminal 2, the cars are jamming. Tourists go out and walk the last 400 meters on foot along the road. Before they reach the revolving door of the terminal, the next traffic jam installs: the queue of people waiting at the service desks goes out into the street.

Dozens of metal frames with mattresses remain in the safety zone after checking the luggage Find out that they were set up in a hurry Saturday: duvet covers with smurfs motifs, pillows of Sunflower and of course the quilts of FC Bayern. Half of the beds are leaning against the wall, people are still lying on top of each other, reading, sleeping, talking on the phone. The mood is irritated that a few, stoically, most people look in their smartphones.

It all started with a small bottle in hand luggage, which is criticized in the check. A 40-year-old woman then takes her bag, goes back and returns after about 20 minutes – this time without luggage. Without being scanned again, she pbades the checkpoint and disappears into the terminal. The chaos runs its course: As the error occurs, two check – in rooms are evacuated and the larger of the two terminals at Munich 's airport is closed for hours. On Sunday, more than 300 flights were canceled, affecting more than 32,000 pbadengers.

In addition to the pbadengers waiting in the safety zone, drinks crates are stacked against the wall. Every minute, airport employees bring new boxes of water bottles and distribute cushions. As soon as all the bottles are out of stock, someone from the line catches the box in front of the information desk, lays a cushion and can at least sit still, facing the Lufthansa employee , who could arrange a new connecting flight. The chances? Well. Speakers repeat that transfers must be made directly to the homepage of the airline.

"We are still understaffed because of yesterday," says the ground crew at the gate. Beside her, a man wearing a yellow safety vest with the inscription "Medical Staff" asks if any of the pbadengers speak Italian. Due to a medical emergency, you urgently need an interpreter. One of his colleagues is pasting a cast on the arm of an elderly man who has slipped. A woman wearing a yellow vest drives an intravenous pole to cradles.

Some pbadengers have been waiting for more than 24 hours for their flight to take them on vacation. Especially that they have not been properly informed for hours makes them very angry. A man who wanted to fly to Dublin on Saturday afternoon tells how he arrived two hours before leaving in crowded Terminal 2 and could still drop the luggage – even though it was already clear that the The plane did not leave. He said that only at the counter. How it goes, he got this information only at 19 hours

The Irish travelers prevented did not want to continue the chaos at Munich airport on Sunday: He booked the flight to Dublin. On Monday, he hopes that cancellations and flight delays should be completed.

A security error led to the chaos of the airport

Because a woman in Terminal 2 enters the security zone without control, nearly 200 flights must be canceled. Hundreds of people are stuck for hours.

Straw of Kbadian and Christian Simon

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