Murks' trip to North Korea – So Kim's thugs led Trump's foreign minister – foreign policy


Does North Korea's approach not progress as well as US President Donald Trump means to the world?

This is what indicates Murks' recent trip by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to Pyongyang. Because it did not go very well. On the contrary: it was probably one of the biggest flops of the diplomatic floor during the Trump presidency!

Instead of a US secretary of state, Kim 's regime acted as a tourist to leading American diplomats, according to the Bloomberg agency.

The details of the Singapore declaration, which was signed by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump during their spectacular meeting in June, are unlikely to be elaborated.

► Instead, Pompeo did not even know when he landed last Friday that he would meet when and in which hotel he would live. Instead of a hotel, he and his delegation were then transported to a well-guarded guest house on the outskirts of the city.

Each step of the delegation was closely monitored. Although they were allowed to move into the garden of the house, they were not allowed to talk to nearby construction workers. This was caused by people who suddenly came crawling behind the trees.

On the way to the guest house, Kim Jong-chol Pompeo made vague statements instead of concrete negotiating steps: "We'll see how their president (Trump) keeps saying it."

► There were two dinners that annoyed Pompeo because of the endless ceremonial and many clbades. Goose foie gras, kimchi, pea soup, shiitake mushrooms, ice cream and a drink called "American Cola" were served. Pompeo had had enough: the next morning he gave up the sumptuous breakfast and ate only toasted bread and sliced ​​cheese.

"The more you come, the more we can trust each other," said Kim Kim Jong-chol's right-hand man, with no progress on the matter.

► But in the end, contrary to what was expected, he did not even meet Kim Jong-un for a handshake. Instead, there was only a very tense conversation with Kim Jong-chol.

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Pompeo left without meeting the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un Photo: ANDREW HARNIK / AFP

A few days before the trip, the North Koreans had started their quarrel: The traveling reporters had to get new ones Pbades with special permits for entry to North Korea get. In the end, the North Korean authorities never stamped them.

After the departure, the diplomat became more than clear: the North Koreans Saturday accused Mike Pompeo demands "gangster" and "greedy" nuclear disarmament. Mediator Ernst Elitz "/>

A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of North Korea said, according to the official KCNA news agency. At the same time, it offered no constructive action on the part of the United States. "It seems that the United States misunderstood our goodwill and our patience," said the spokesman. The hope of a constructive proposal from the United States was "naive".

Pompeo rejected the brutal response, saying "progress on almost all key issues."

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