Naarnerin, 17, died of a drug-related drug |


Naarnerin, 17, died of a drug-related disease

NAARN IN MACHLAND. With his life paid over the weekend – as is known – a 17-year-old girl in the district of Perg consumption of the drug Ecstasy


teenagers died of drugs Image: Institute for the Prevention of Drug Addiction

Last week-end, a 17-year-old girl died in Neuhofen, in the municipality of Naarn, with her friend Ecstasy. The teenager had apparently taken her party drugs on Saturday night in her room. His parents found him unconscious at night lying in his room and alerted the rescue. The teenager was taken to Kepler University Hospital in Linz, where doctors unsuccessfully led the fight for the life of the young retail apprentice. The 17-year-old man died at the hospital on Sunday morning

. An investigation team on poisonous poisons led by Perg police conducted investigations in the vicinity of the deceased daughter. Several drugs were confiscated in the room of the friend

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