Nearly 800 objects lost 2018 in Tyrol and Vorarlberg


Tyrol. Lost objects on the roads represent a high security risk. Abrupt dodging or braking maneuvers trigger dangerous situations, accidents are not uncommon. 783 reports were recorded by ASFINAG in the loss of freight on the
Motorways and highways of Tyrol and Vorarlberg. While the Vorarlberg follows the Austrian trend of more loss ratios – 483 the previous year (+108), the Tyrol shows a more positive image: the pressure drops there went from 315 to 300 reports.

Great source of danger

"Cargo on roof bars and poorly secured trailers are still part of potential source of danger ", warns CEO of ASFINAG Christian Ebner. This concerns not only road users, but also the maintenance depot teams of the ASFINAG motorways. Christian Ebner: "With every little object to pick up on the road, our employees are unnecessarily in danger."

Pay attention to the fuse

Departure: necessarily sufficient load with professional straps or straps or secure appropriate transport boxes! The law also obliges every user of the road to orderly security of goods take care of. Also the
ASFINAG is on the way for freight. Regular training for the correct security of goods and cargoes are therefore in the 43 Autobahnmeistereien of the motorway operator also mandatory. Incidentally, most of the Länder comparison reports were repeated in Styria in 2018, followed by Salzburg and Lower Austria. The lowest freight losses were recorded in Burgenland, Tyrol.
and Vienna.

Unusual results list

the reports the objects on the road come directly from Road users, radio stations, radio stations or ASFINAG road service, day and night on the roads is. Road safety is included
always prioritize such cases: first the close the road section and retrieve the object. the charts Lost items are long and partial extraordinary:
From paper boxes to newspapers to sofas, refrigerators and sailboats, everything has landed on the highway.

The "list of losses" 2018 by the federal states

– Styria: 1057 messages
– Salzburg: 770 messages
– Lower Austria: 644 messages
– Upper Austria: 527 messages
– Vorarlberg: 483 reports
– Carinthia: 326 reports
– Tyrol: 300 messages
– Vienna: 233 reports
– Burgenland: 46 reports

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