New details: Khashoggi instantly strangled at consulate


Khashoggi was "strangled according to a previously established plan just after he entered the consulate," Istanbul prosecutors said Wednesday, according to the official Anadolu news agency. Khashoggi's body, later dismembered, was later "destroyed."

The Turkish statements are therefore in contradiction with the official statements of Saudi Arabia: the royal family had presented the death of Khashoggi as an accident and a concatenation of unfortunate circumstances. Between the journalist and the Saudi agents at the consulate, a dispute arose from a dispute in which the 59-year-old journalist was killed. Attorney General Saud al Modscheb acknowledged that the killing was "deliberate".

Turkey demands extradition

Khashoggi, who recently criticized his country's situation at the Washington Post, was killed during his appointment at the Saudi Arabian consulate in Istanbul on October 2nd. He wanted to recover the necessary papers for his wedding with Hatice Cengiz.

Saudi Attorney General Modscheb

APA / AFP / Bulent Kilic

Saudi Attorney General Modscheb (left) meets with his Turkish counterpart in Istanbul

Saudi Arabia has acknowledged the killing of Kashoggi only after weeks of denial under international pressure. 18 suspects were arrested in Saudi Arabia, including, according to Turkey's statements, an badbadination squad came from Saudi Arabia to kill Khashoggi. Turkey wants to extradite the 18 suspects.

Riad refuses. Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Dzhubir has invoked Saudi citizenship of suspects to justify the procedure. "They are being held in Saudi Arabia, the investigation is underway in Saudi Arabia and they are being prosecuted in Saudi Arabia," added the Saudi Foreign Minister.

"Who gave the order?"

Jubeir described the discussion about Khashoggi's death as "hysterical". People would blame Saudi Arabia for the murders committed before the end of the investigation. At the same time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs promised that those responsible would be held responsible.

Turkish media reported for weeks that Khashoggi had been strangled and dismembered, but until now, no official support has been received. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Khashoggi's death a "planned" and "political" killing, but did not comment on how Khashoggi was killed. And turning to Riad, Erdogan asked, "Who gave such an order?"

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is believed to be involved in the murder of his critic. Thus, several members of the so-called badbadination brigade belong to Mohammed's immediate environment. The group leader also telephoned his head of office several times. The heir himself has spoken of an "ignoble incident".

Investigation meeting without results

Saudi Attorney General Modscheb went to Istanbul from Sunday evening to Wednesday and twice met with Turkish prosecutor Irfan Fidan, who is leading the investigation into Khashoggi's death. An official of the Turkish government has accused Saudi Arabians of being "mainly interested in discovering the evidence available to the Turkish authorities against their authors".

"We did not have the impression that they were actually cooperating with the investigation," said a government official. According to the Turkish media, Modscheb also reportedly visited Saudi Arabia's consulate and his residence. Fidan and his team have been invited to Saudi Arabia.

Warning about concealment

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, on Tuesday called for "the participation of international experts with full access to evidence and witnesses" to the death investigation from Khashoggi.

Khashoggi's fiancée, Cengiz

Reuters / Dylan Martinez

Khashoggi's fiancé appeals to US President Trump

His fiancee Cengiz had warned US President Donald Trump on Monday night to agree to conceal the crime. "President Trump should help expose the truth and ensure that justice is done, and he should not let the murder of my fiancée be smothered," she said.

Cengiz is said to be "extremely disappointed with the leadership of many countries, especially the United States." It is a close ally and at the same time an important trading partner of Saudi Arabia: no state buys so many American weapons. Also, because of its oil resources, Riyadh puts pressure on Washington.

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