New theory in Khashoggi: body dissolved in an acid


01.11.2018 21:54

Online since today, 21:54

The body of the killed Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashoggi, may have been dissolved in an acid. Turkish law enforcement is currently pursuing this theory, the US daily Washington Post reported today quoting anonymous officials of the Turkish government.

"The remains of Khashoggi do not have to be buried," said the official. Turkish justice announced on Wednesday that the 59-year-old government critic was strangled shortly after he entered his country's consulate, and his body was dismembered.

Khashoggi went to the Istanbul consulate in his homeland on October 2 to retrieve a document for his wedding, but he did not come out. It is suspected that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had the eminent journalist badbadinated.

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