News: Brexit Minister Dominic Raab resigned


The messages in the brief overview:

  • Brexit Minister Dominic Raab resigned (10:00 am)
  • A lawyer arrested by Stormy Daniels (6:25)
  • Two failed attacks in Buenos Aires (05:05)
  • The death toll in California continues to rise (4:48 pm)
  • Pearl pendant auctioned by Marie Antoinette (3:25 pm)

The news of the day in the star:

10:00 am Brexit Minister Dominic Raab resigns +++

British Brexit Minister Dominic Raab has resigned to protest the Brexit plans. This was announced by Raab on Twitter.

+++ 9:45: South Korea blows up guards in North Korea border zone +++

South Korea equips sentinels in the border area of ​​Inner Korea to reduce military tensions with North Korea. The South Korean army blew up a guard post in Cheorwon district with dynamite in the presence of local and foreign press.

Already last week, North Korea and South Korea had withdrawn part of their troops and weapons to some guards. The two countries plan to dismantle eleven of their guards in the border area by the end of the month. This measure is part of an agreement to reduce the military tensions that the military leaders of the two states signed in September.

+++ 9:15: Resignation of the British State Secretary for Northern Ireland +++

Northern Irish Secretary of State Shailesh Vara resigned in protest of the Brexit plans. He shared this with the Twitter Short Message Service. The conservative politician has described Britain as a "proud nation" that should not be reduced to obeying the rules of other countries. "The British deserve better."

Video: May wins Brexit Deal

+++ 8h42: Tusk convenes Special Summit on Brexit +++

Following the breakthrough in the Brexit negotiations, EU Council President Donald Tusk convened a special summit to conclude the exit agreement of the European Union with the Britain. The meeting of EU Heads of State and Government is scheduled to take place in Brussels on 25 November, Tusk said.

+++ 8h25: US police find 44 frozen dogs +++

While searching a home in the state of New Jersey, police found 44 dead dogs in plastic bags wrapped in freezers. About 130 other dogs lived in a neglected state on the Shamong community's grounds, as local police reported on Facebook. The resident of the house, aged 65, is now responsible for animal cruelty in court, it was said.

The police had so Tuesday, the health authorities during a site inspection supported. Officials were already facing a strong smell of animal droppings, so some of them were sick, it was said.

Four of the found dogs were taken to a veterinary clinic in critical condition, the others were distributed in different shelters, according to animal welfare organizations. Dogs and puppies of different breeds would now need medical care and would be cared for. Many of them have tangled fur, skin diseases and other problems.

+++ 7:53: Police raided search center for links in Rigaer Street in Berlin +++

A large number of police investigated the Autonomous Center of Riga Street and three other locations in Berlin. 560 officials opened the missions in the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Neukölln districts at 6 am, as a police spokesman told the AFP news agency. According to the prosecutor's office, seven suspects were reportedly wanted in connection with a raid on a Berliner Spätkauf in May 2018. Searches continued towards 7:30 am, but proceeded without incident, as stated by the door -speak of the police. The area around the occupied house in Rigaer Strbade 94 had been closed.

The seven suspects could be identified according to the spokesman of the police. You are charged with dangerous badault. They would have hurt the seller during the attack aimed at late buying and damaged the trade. The Rigaer Straße 94 in Berlin is a real estate project around which there are still violent clashes between police and relatives, as well as supporters of the Berlin squatter scene.

+++ 7 h 22: death sentence pbaded on a 64-year-old Mexican man executed in Texas +++

Despite international protests, a 64-year-old Mexican was executed for murder in the US state of Texas. The death sentence pbaded in 1993 against Roberto Moreno Ramos was inflicted by lethal injection in Huntsville Prison, authorities said. Ramos had killed his wife and seven- and three-year-old children in the town of Progresso near the Mexican border in 1992.

In the 25 years since the imposition of the death sentence, Ramos' lawyers have repeatedly referred to alleged brain damage and mental health issues in their mandate. Mexican states and human rights organizations have complained that US investigators have not informed Ramos of his right to legal badistance from the Mexican consulate. The Mexican government said Monday that the execution of this 64-year-old man would constitute a "monstrous violation of human rights and international law." UN experts have also criticized the planned execution. Following a lawsuit filed by Mexico in 2003, the International Court of Justice in The Hague ordered the reopening of the case. However, the US Supreme Court dismissed it in 2008.

+++ 6h25: Stormy Daniels lawyer arrested for domestic violence +++

Stormy Daniels' bad actress, who is leading a legal wrangle with US President Donald Trump, might need a lawyer himself. Michael Avenatti was arrested in Los Angeles on suspicion of domestic violence against a woman, US media reported. West Coast police have confirmed Avenatti's arrest on Twitter, as well as the charges against him. The bail for his release was set at $ 50,000 (about 44,200 euros). The police did not mention any other details regarding the ongoing investigations. Even police spokesman Josh Rubenstein did not want to give details to the "L.A. Times". The identity of the woman was not mentioned.

Avenatti himself spoke after his release before the current television cameras of "false allegations". He never abused anyone, he respects all women. "I can not wait to be completely released," he said. According to an article in the online magazine "", the lawyer allegedly abused a woman. The incident had already occurred on Tuesday. Citing police sources, claims that Avenatti beat the woman and threw her out of the apartment.

+++ 5.50 clock: amazing raccoons – drunk instead enraged +++

Raccoons staggered, frightened and frightened, the people of Milton, West Virginia, feared rage and called the police. But when police arrived and intercepted some of the animals, the case turned out to be drunk, according to a connoisseur's knowledge. The animals had eaten fermented crab apples that had already fermented on the tree. "They are now drunk with crab apples," the media said in a statement to the police. The captured animals had landed in a "raccoon smoking cell" and were subsequently released into the wild.

+++ 5.05 clock: Two unsuccessful attacks in Buenos Aires +++

According to the authorities, two bombings in Buenos Aires failed at the next G20 summit. Three alleged perpetrators were arrested. First, a couple in a cemetery tried to place homemade explosives on the mausoleum of a former police chief who was killed in 1909 by an anarchist. By tying the woman was seriously injured, according to the news channel TN.

A few hours later, a man threw a package containing a homemade bomb in the apartment of Federal Judge Claudio Bonadío, who had instituted bribery proceedings against former President Cristina Fernández of Kirchner. The bomb did not explode. The man was arrested by the guards of the judge.

"The two cases are undoubtedly related to the upcoming G20 summit," said Marcelo D'Alessandro, secretary of security of the city of Buenos Aires. The authors are linked to an anarchist group. In Buenos Aires, at the end of the month, the heads of state and government of the major industrialized and emerging economies will gather for the G20 summit. About 20,000 security forces must be deployed.

+++ 4.48 clock: the number of deaths due to fires in California continues to increase +++

The main fires in California have claimed more lives. The northern campaign fires brought the death toll to 56 following the discovery of eight other bodies, according to Sheriff Kory Honea of ​​Butte County. These are more deaths than ever before a fire in the state since the beginning of the recordings. From paradise, there were only smoking ruins.

In southern California near Malibu, northwest of Los Angeles, the Woolsey Fire continues to rage. Both fires have already destroyed hundreds of square kilometers of forest and thousands of homes. Until now, the number of deaths in the south has been two. Up to now, 58 people have died as a result of the devastating fire.

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+++ 4.17 clock: the new president of Mexico wants to send the national guard in the war on drugs +++

The future president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, wants to form a national guard of 50,000 men to fight against the powerful cartels of the drug. The new force should follow the example of the Spanish Guardia Civil Police Unit and the French Gendarmerie and be formed by the armed forces. Human rights activists criticize the growing militarization of the fight against crime syndicates in Mexico. "Rest badured that they will respect human rights," said the leftist populist during the presentation of his security plan. On December 1, López Obrador is sworn in as head of the state.

+++ 3.34 hour: the boss of Victoria's Secret leaves his post +++

A few days after Victoria's last big fashion show, the head of the famous American lingerie brand, Jan Singer, has resigned. AFP confirmed informed circles. Singer has been at the helm of the company since September 2016, whose parades with the best models are among the most watched fashion events in the world. The reasons for the resignation of the singers were initially unknown. However, sales figures of Victoria's Secret are weakening. In addition, marketing director Ed Razek was recently controversial when, in an interview with Vogue magazine, he decided that the brand could use transgender models or plump models.

+++ 3:25: Marie-Antoinette's pearl pendant for just under 32 million euros ++++

A diamond beaded pendant from French Queen Marie Antoinette was auctioned for just under 32 million euros. At the auction of Sotheby's auction house in Geneva, an anonymous bidder was selected. The price far exceeds the estimated price: Sotheby's had given the value of the trailer with a pear-shaped pearl of one to two million dollars. The sale of ten jewels by the queen, executed in 1793, allowed to raise about 38 million euros. A brooch set with diamonds reported just under 1.6 million euros. Pearl earrings and a pearl necklace were also sold at auction.

+++ 2.44 clock: CDU workers against changes made to Hartz IV +++

The working wing of the CDU rejects the fundamental changes in the Hartz IV social protection system. "Guarantee system or basic income, it's quaternary terms, it's about getting people to work," said Karl-Josef Laumann, president of the Christian Workers' Union. Democrats (CDA), from the Funke Media group. This is the only way to overcome poverty. He referred to the coalition's plans to create a social work market offering subsidized jobs to the long-term unemployed. "This allows participation, not this recurrent SPD debate, to give their own child Hartz IV a new name."

+++ 2.13 clock: Bolsonaro appoints career diplomats to Brazil's future foreign minister +++

The future president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, will make career diplomat Ernesto Araújo Minister of Foreign Affairs. The 51-year-old was a "brilliant intellectual," Bolsonaro wrote on Twitter. The American expert Araújo has nearly three decades of diplomatic experience. Araújo is currently head of the United States and Canada Department of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the election campaign, he was one of the supporters of the right-wing populist Bolsonaro. According to media reports, he insulted left-wing workers on a blog as "terrorists".

Jair Bolsonaro: These are the most politically incorrect quotes of the new Brazilian president

+++ 1.53 clock: Buffett joins JPMorgan shares for $ 4 billion +++

Featured investor Warren Buffett and his investment company Berkshire Hathaway have made a major investment in America's largest bank, JPMorgan Chase. In the third quarter, the 88-year-old stock market guru's holding company bought more than 35 million shares of the money company and thus raised a stake of about four billion dollars ( approximately 3.55 billion euros). This comes out of a communication to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.

In addition, Buffett relies heavily on US banks and financial services: its share in Bank of America has also increased significantly in the last quarter. Berkshire Hathaway joined Goldman Sachs, US Bancorp and Bank of New York Mellon and joined PNC Financial Services. Buffett's majority shareholder and JPMorgan's chief executive, Jamie Dimon, have been friends for a long time and their companies have a joint health insurance plan with Amazon.

+++ 0.25 am Trump supports criminal justice and prison reform projects +++

US President Donald Trump supports US congressional reform plans to reduce the sentence for some minor offenses and improve the rehabilitation of released prisoners. That's what Trump announced in Washington. The non-partisan project will bring more security and give a second chance to the lives of former prisoners, said Trump. "It's a big step forward for a lot of people." The project enjoys significant support, particularly for representatives of law enforcement agencies.

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