News: Following the death penalty: Asia Bibi is still in Pakistan


The most important news at a glance:

  • Christin Asia Bibi is still in Pakistan (18h25)
  • Record python beaten in Florida (3:25 pm)
  • Reaction tower of rams (2.55 hours)
  • Inquiry: Merz and Kramp-Karrenbauer almost equal to Chancellor's question (2:15 pm)


new of the day starticker:

+++ 6h25: According to government information, Christin Asia Bibi is still in Pakistan +++

The in

Pakistan Christian Bibi, released after the cancellation of his death sentence, is still in the country, according to government sources. "She is in Pakistan," said a spokesman for the state department. The woman was released Wednesday and flown out of Multan City where she was arrested. The destination has remained secret. In the meantime, the media reported that they had been transported abroad.

Asia Bibi has been imprisoned for years for alleged blasphemy. Last week, the Supreme Court of Pakistan acquitted them of all charges and sentenced to death. After the verdict arrived in the conservative Muslim country to days of Islamist protests. On Friday, the Islamabad government agreed with the Islamist Tehreek-e-Labaik party to allow Islamists to appeal the court's ruling.

+++ 6:03: Several injured in collision between tanker and frigate +++

According to the press, several people were injured in the collision between a tanker and a frigate off the Norwegian coast. The accident occurred near Hordaland near Bergen. The rescue services were on the way to badist in the evacuation of both ships. Initially, no information was available on the extent of the damage and the potential environmental risks.

+++ 5.47: Herrmann wants uniform rules for observing members of the AfD +++

Bavarian Minister of the Interior

Joachim Herrmann (CSU) calls uniform rules nationwide for the observation of AFD members by the protection of the constitution. "Until now, the federal government and the federal states can only observe individuals under additional conditions such as, for example, when their behavior is directed to the use of force," Herrmann told the newspapers. editorial network Germany. "It would be nice if we arrived here at a uniform settlement on the Bavarian model."

Bavaria has created the legal basis for observing individuals without looking at the whole organization, Herrmann said. This is the case, for example, when people have contacts with badociations of the far right. "With a lower two-digit number of AfD members, we use it," said the CSU policy officer.

AfD Chronology: Five Years AfD - A Success?

+++ 4.12 clock: Brinkhaus: the Bundeswehr needs better equipment +++

The head of the Union faction, Ralph Brinkhaus, reaffirmed the goal of the grand coalition to better equip the Bundeswehr. "We are significantly increasing spending for the Bundeswehr, which is in our interest and, above all, in the interest of our soldiers," he said.

CDUPolitician of the German press agency. "The Bundeswehr needs better equipment everywhere, and the increase in defense spending has nothing to do with Donald Trump."

According to the project of the Minister of Finance, Olaf Scholz (SPD), the budget of the Bundeswehr should be increased by four billion euros to reach nearly 43 billion euros next year. However, this figure is still far from the 2% target that defense spending is expected to account for 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2024. The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has repeatedly called for this, especially from Germany. The federal government is unlikely to reach the goal. On Thursday, the Budget Committee intends to refine the federal budget for 2019 during its "cleaning session" (14:00).

+++ 3h25: Record Python in Florida +++

Snake hunters caught a record python in Florida's Everglades National Park. The reptile was surprised when measuring with a length of 5.3 meters and a weight of about 60 kilograms, representatives of the Environment Agency were quoted by the local media. The tiger python will probably be euthanized now.

In Asia, the tiger python is threatened with extinction, but the strangled song in Florida is now considered a plague. The first animals released exploded in the absence of natural enemies and can therefore be hunted to protect other species. The authorities even organize annual competitions with cash prizes for the best python hunters.

+++ 2.55 clock: Indonesian pbadenger jet rams lightweight pole +++

Just days after the plane crash of the Indonesian low-cost airline Lion Air, another plane from this company hit a lamppost at an airport in Sumatra. The tip of the wing was damaged, said Lion Air. The plane was flying just at the beginning of the flight from Bengkulu to Jakarta. After the incident, the pbadengers left the plane, Lion Air provided a replacement device.

In the crash of a Boeing 737 early last week in the Java Sea, the 189 occupants of the machine died. The search for victims on the seabed is under way.

+++ 2.15 clock: Inquiry: Merz and Kramp-Karrenbauer at Chancellor's question almost the same +++

About the same number of Germans would trust the former leader of the CDU / CSU parliamentary group, Friedrich Merz, and former CDU secretary-general Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer to have a successful chancellor. According to a poll conducted by Kantar Emnid on behalf of the Funke Mediengruppe, 36% of people could badume that Merz would be Chancellor Federal, just behind Kramp-Karrenbauer. However, more people questioned the two candidates for Angela Merkel's succession at the head of the party. Merz rejects 46% in the Chancellor's office, Kramp-Karrenbauer estimates 48%. The other respondents did not commit themselves. The third presidential candidate of the CDU, the Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, has much worse performances: only 17% think that Spahn would be a good chancellor and 65% are not of this opinion.

President of the CDU: "Back to the future" - that's what Twitter users say about the Merz candidacy

+++ 1.33 clock: the former president of Ecuador charged with kidnapping +++

Ecuadorian justice has accused former president Rafael Correa of ​​trying to kidnap a politician from the opposition. There is ample evidence to prosecute Correa as the alleged brain of the abduction of Ecuadorian Fernando Balda by Colombia in 2012, said Judge Daniella Camacho in Quito. Correa has lived since the end of his term (2007-2017) in Belgium, the country of origin of his wife. He dismissed the accusations as "purely political persecution".

+++ Time 0.25: Hollywood star of Trump demolished – good and one day in prison +++

After demolishing Donald Trump's star on the "Walk of Fame", a Californian was found guilty of wrongful harm to a day in jail and fined about 8,000 euros. According to Los Angeles prosecutors, this 24-year-old man also has 20 days of social work and therapy. He is on probation for three years.

According to the indictment, on July 25, the man broke the starry plate on Hollywood Boulevard with a pickaxe. He then turned to the police. The damaged star was quickly repaired. The author initially threatened a maximum of three years' imprisonment. However, the man admitted his guilt in court and got in return a lesser penalty.

United States: Why does hate and hate now determine US policy - and what does it mean for Germany?

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