News: Frauke Petry, former director of AFD, must appear in court for perjury


The most important news in the brief overview:

  • Court charges Frauke Petry with perjury (09h19)
  • Yemen: 14 million people at risk of hunger (08:26)
  • Inaugurated the longest sea bridge in the world (5:00 am)
  • Erdogan wants to talk to Fakll Khashoggi (3.35 hours)
  • INF release: US President Trump threatens Russia and China (3:34)
  • Death of fashion entrepreneur Gilberto Benetton (0.00 hour)


new of the day starticker:

+++ 10.38 Clock: Scholz: More arms exports to Saudi Arabia +++

According to Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), SPD Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz has stated publicly that, for the time being, all arms deliveries to Saudi Arabia should be halted. "All explanations on the death of Saudi Arabia after the death of Jamal Khashoggi are so far totally unsatisfactory," Scholz said in a statement from the Federal Ministry of Finance. "The federal government agrees that there can not be any weapons export to Saudi Arabia yet." The circumstances must be completely cleared up. "Such a shameful act must not be repeated."

The statement is made two days after Merkel 's stance, which declared Sunday night that arms exports could not take place "in the state in which we find ourselves". Prior to this, the Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs, Heiko Maas, had called for a halt of exports until the end of the Khashoggi case.

+++ 10.37 Clock: beginning of the process: a girl was thrown in 1991 by an A4 +++ bridge

Upon reading the indictment, the trial of the alleged murderer began about 27 years after the violent death of Stephanie, 10, of Weimar. As prosecutor Ralf Mohrmann declared in Gera District Court, this 66-year-old man allegedly lured his victim to Weimar Park Goethe and was mistreated on a forest road. He then gave the child soothing tablets and threw him about 48 meters from the Teufelstal Bridge on the A4. The defendant asked his lawyer not to comment on the allegations. For the procedure, eleven more days of negotiations are planned until early January.

+++ 09:53: Again raid against organized crime in the Ruhr +++

In the Ruhr area, the police again smuggled heavily against organized crime. Later excavations also took place in parts of Saxony. More than ten objects – apartments and restaurants – were searched in Bochum, Essen, Herne and later in Saxony, said a police spokesman in Bochum. There were several arrests. As there was evidence of use of weapons by suspects, special working groups were involved.

The details did not mention the police and prosecutors at the beginning – not even against whom the raid was directed. Police and justice have significantly expanded their operations against criminal clans and organized crime, particularly in the Ruhr area. There are still large-scale raids against clans of Lebanese-Arab origin. Only this weekend, the police raided Sisha and sports bars in Marl against clan crime.

+++ 09:44: Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia: a case like Khashoggi's could "never happen again" +++

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Dzhubir has announced the consequences and extensive investigations pending a statement by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Riyadh "will ensure that this never happens again," said al-Dzhubir during a visit to Jakarta. Riyadh will also ensure that the "truth" comes from a "thorough and complete" investigation and bring those responsible to justice.

Saudi Arabia under international pressure on Saturday acknowledged that Khashoggi was killed in a "fight" on October 2 at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. However, in the world, this presentation is skeptical. Earlier, Riyad had badured for weeks that Khashoggi had left the consulate alive.

+++ 09.24 Clock: Ferry traffic in the North Sea is severely limited due to storm surges +++

Several ferry lines were closed on Tuesday due to a forecast storm on the North Sea. Thus, all the connections between Amrum and the Halligen are broken, as the Wyker Dampfschiffs-Reederei announced on its website. According to the company, schedule changes could take place on the Föhr-Amrum line. In addition, the catamaran "Halunder-Jet", which connects Hamburg to Heligoland, is not short, as announced by the company Helgoline on its website. The German weather service has forecast heavy storm gusts on the North Sea coast. The coast of the North Sea must be prepared for a storm surge.

+++ 9h20: North Rhine-Westphalia takes precedence over Berlin during its creation +++

North Rhine-Westphalia has replaced Berlin as the region with the largest number of new companies in Germany. In North Rhine-Westphalia, which is about five times larger than the population, 19% of new German companies have settled this year and 15.8% in Berlin, according to a Rheinische Post report published in Düsseldorf from 39, a study by the Bundesverband Deutscher. Start-ups and the KPMG consulting firm are emerging.

+++ 09h19: the former head of AFD, Petry, must be warned for perjury in court +++

The former president of AFD, Frauke Petry, must appear in court on suspicion of perjury. The district court of Dresden has authorized the prosecution against Petry, as announced by the court. The process should begin next year. Petry is accused of having misrepresented during an affidavit at a meeting of the Saxon Parliament's Election Review Board in November 2015.

At that time, the committee had been dealing with loans to the party by the AFD Parliament candidates in Parliament. Thus, the 2014 election campaign should be supported.

Petry reportedly stated that the candidates could have decided, after the successful election, that the loans would be repaid or converted into donations. However, your information must be at odds with the loan agreement. In this case, a candidate in the parliament of a state must waive his / her repayment when he chooses it.

Petry had obtained a direct mandate for the AfD in federal elections. However, the day after the elections, she announced that she did not wish to be a member of the faction of the Bundestag of the AfD. A few days later, she completely resigned from the AfD. Petry also sits in the Saxon State Parliament, where she appears with several former members of the AfD as the so-called blue group.

+++ 8h26: Yemen: 14 million people at risk of hunger +++

In Yemen, nearly 14 million people are at risk of hunger. "The humanitarian situation in Yemen is the worst in the world," UNICEF Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowbad warned in an internal report. If the situation in the country in civil war continues to evolve as before, 14 million people soon reached a stage of "pre-famine".

Three-quarters of Yemen's population, representing about 22 million people, need help and protection, according to Lowbad's note of 18 October to members of the UN Security Council. 8.4 million of them suffered from severe food insecurity and urgent food aid. In the "worst case", this number could still increase from 5.6 million to 14 million.

In Yemen, since 2014, there has been a war between the Shiite Houthi rebels and the troops of President Abd Rabbo Mansur Hadi, supported by Saudi Arabia and other Arab states. The conflict has already killed nearly 10,000 people.

+++ 8:04: Ikea realizes more than five billion euros in turnover in Germany +++

The Ikea furniture retailer has sold for the first time more than five billion euros on its largest single market in Germany, Germany. However, the 2018 fiscal year turnover (August 30) only increased by 2.8%, reaching 5.003 billion euros, said Tuesday the German subsidiary of the group in Hofheim, near Frankfurt. Worldwide, the furniture giant gained 4.7%.

Once again, online sales in Germany grew 12.8% faster than retail sales. But he won only 371 million euros, or 7.4% of the total. The annual number of visitors in the 53 unchanged furniture stores remained the same with nearly 100 million people. On average, customers spent € 94.40 on purchases, or 2.6% more than in 2017. The food division, with its restaurants, grew by 4% to € 239.5 million.

Rush on furniture store: IKEA opens its first store in India, which is very different from that of Europe

+++ 7:12: A powerful earthquake shakes Taiwan +++

A powerful earthquake shook Taiwan. The earthquakes had a magnitude of 5.7, as reported by the US station. The Taiwan Meteorological Service reported 6.0. At the beginning, no information was available on any victims or damages.

The center of the quake was located about 104 km off the east coast of the country, Hualien, at a depth of 34 km. Still in the capital, Taipei, the vibrations were strongly felt around noon.

+++ 5:00 am: inauguration of the longest sea bridge in the world +++

On the Chinese coast, the longest sea bridge in the world was inaugurated.

China The head of state, Xi Jinping, inaugurated this 55-km long structure at a ceremony that extends to the Pearl River Delta and connects the two special administrative areas of Macao and Hong Kong.

The region is one of the largest economies in China. Critics of the Mammoth project complain of high costs, instances of corruption within the authorities involved and security deficiencies that have resulted in the death of several workers. Especially in

Hong Kong The bridge also raises political concerns: critics view the building as a new attempt to connect the former British autonomous colony closer to the People's Republic of China.

The construction of the giant project had already begun in 2009. There are no official costs, estimated at more than 100 billion yuan (13 billion euros).

+++ 4.34 clock: debate on diesel: the bad concern of the Germans is the bad air +++

The biggest concern of the Germans in the debate about diesel is, according to a survey, the bad air in the cities. 48% of Germans consider the exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) as one of the biggest problems caused by partially excessive emissions of diesel vehicles. This was determined by the YouGov opinion research institute on behalf of the DPA news agency.

On the other hand, threats to ban driving bans are only one of the most serious problems for 37%, and the loss of value of old diesel vehicles is 32%. The loss of jobs in the auto industry only sees 17% as a particularly serious problem. Respondents were able to choose two answers. Six percent said they saw no problem in this regard.

+++ 4.09 clock: Reflectors against unnecessary wild accidents +++

According to a study, blue reflectors now spread on the roadside can not reduce the number of accidents involving wild animals. In a study of the University of Göttingen on 150 test tracks in the counties of Göttingen (Lower Saxony), Höxter (North Rhine-Westphalia) and Kbadel and Lahn Dill in Hesse, the reflectors were proved ineffective, said forest ecologist Christian Ammer, of the DPA news agency. The study was commissioned by the Insurance Accident Research Unit (UDV). The costs for the reflectors could be saved, said Siegfried Brockmann, UDV leader. The Association of Insurers has recorded 275,000 accidents involving wild animals across the country in 2017.

+++ 3.35 clock: Erdogan wants to comment on Fakll Khashoggi +++

On Tuesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will make a statement

death waited by the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Erdogan himself had announced the statement Sunday and said he would go into "details". The Turkish president claims to speak at the meeting of the group of his conservative Islamist-conservative party in the late morning.

+++ 3:34: INF release: US President Trump threatens Russia and China +++

Following the announcement of the abandonment of a major disarmament treaty, US President Donald Trump has threatened to increase the US nuclear arsenal. Trump told the White House, this threat applies

Russia and China and "whoever wants to play this game". At the same time, Trump stressed that if other states "came to mind", he would be ready to disarm again.

+++ 2.40 clock: US judge wants to mitigate sentence for Monsanto +++

In the first trial in the United States, the Bayer Group can count on a much less severe sentence for the alleged cancer risks badociated with the Monsanto subsidiary's glyphosate herbicides. Although the competent judge, Suzanne Ramos Bolanos, rejected Monsanto's request for a new lawsuit, he nevertheless wishes to significantly reduce the damages suffered by the American seed grower in a previous decision. If the plaintiff is satisfied with the lowest amount of compensation, the case will not be reopened, according to the relevant court document.

In August, the San Francisco court jury sentenced Monsanto to a total of 289 million dollars (251 million euros) in damages for the patient with lymph node cancer, Dewayne " Lee "Johnson. Lay judges found that it was proven that Monsanto's products derived from glyphosate were carcinogenic and the manufacturer did not give sufficient warning and concealed the risks. Bayers' daughter, Monsanto, then appealed and asked that the case be renegotiated for lack of evidence.

+++ 2.29 clock: Aiwanger wants to establish free voters at the federal level +++

The boss of free voters, Hubert Aiwanger, wants to found his party after the success of the election of the state in Bavaria, also at the federal level. "Of course, we want to go to other federal states and to the Bundestag, as well as to Bavaria," Aiwanger told the newspapers of the Funke Mediengruppe. (including "Hamburger Abendblatt"), "The potential for entry into the Bundestag, we have it in all cases."

If the Berlin Grand Coalition failed prematurely, his party could overcome the five per cent mark. Aiwanger was optimistic. "If we had enough time for a good election campaign, that could lead us to the Bundestag." However, the goal was to settle in Hesse on Sunday in the state legislature, Aiwanger said.

+++ 1.26 am: Hurricane Wilma rose to the highest category 5 +++

On the way to Mexico, Hurricane "Willa" continued to gain strength and was raised to the highest category 5. The hurricane could have "catastrophic" consequences, warned the US Hurricane Center (NHC). Wind speeds of 260 kilometers at the hour were measured.

"Willa" is expected to reach the Mexican Pacific coast on Tuesday. Authorities warn of tidal waves, storms, heavy rains and life-threatening landslides.

+++ 1.04 clock: three rejections due to barriers to entry +++

The ban on readmission imposed on failed asylum seekers at the Austrian-German border by Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) in mid-June has only little effect. Like the newspapers of the spark media group (including "Berliner Morgenpost") citing the circles of security, so far there have been only three refusals of this type of asylum seekers. According to the newspaper, the ministry had planned about 100 cases per month. In fact, there was a total of 89 migrants until October 17. Of these, only three had already applied for asylum. The remaining 86 would have been rejected even before the decree.

Seehofer had described this summer as a "scandal" to which people subject to entry restrictions could still enter. The new rule applies to persons for whom a temporary residence ban or entry ban has been imposed as a result of the eviction. This only concerns foreigners controlled at border crossing points with Austria. Other borders are open.

+++ 0.30 hour: exit INF: the United States baderts its allegations against Russia +++

In the dispute over the announced exit of the United States from a central disarmament agreement with Russia, there is no sign of rapprochement between the two countries. During his visit to Moscow, John Bolton of US National Security Advisor John Bolton reaffirmed the allegations against the Russian government. The problem is not the possible withdrawal of the US from the INF agreement, the problem being the "violations" of the agreement by Russia.

Bolton met his Russian colleague Nikolai Patrushev and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Moscow has denied any violation of the INF agreement and instead has made accusations against the United States, said Bolton after a conversation of about five hours with Patrushev in the newspaper "Kommersant". His government did not want to be the only one to join the agreement.

Patrushev said after the talks that Moscow was ready to cooperate with the United States to save the disarmament treaty. According to the Kremlin, a meeting is scheduled for Tuesday between Bolton and President Vladimir Putin.

+++ 0.00 hour: Gilberto Benetton, fashion entrepreneur, is deceased +++

Death of Italian entrepreneur Gilberto Benetton. The co-founder of fashion group Benetton died of a brief illness at his home in Treviso, in north-eastern Italy, at the time of his death. age 77, announced the group. Gilberto Benetton founded the family business in 1965 with his brothers and sisters Luciano, Giuliana and Benetton's youngest brother, Carlo, who died in July.

Particularly from the 80s, the brand "United Colors of Benetton" has seen a sharp increase, especially because of advertising campaigns often provocative. In recent years, however, sales have fallen.

Gilberto Benetton was vice-president of the family holding company Edizione, which also owns shares in infrastructure and transport companies and had a total turnover of 12.1 billion euros last year. The Benetton clan was criticized in August after the devastating collapse of the Ganua Bridge causing 43 deaths. The family is the largest shareholder of the operator Autostrade per ltalia, accused of gross negligence in connection with the accident.

Gilberto Benetton, fashion entrepreneur

Gilberto Benetton, fashion entrepreneur, was 77 years old

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