News: Horst Seehofer does not include requests for resignation after the suicide of an Afghan


The main news at a glance:

  • Seehofer refuses to resign because of the suicide of a deportee (20.07 hours)
  • NATO states are setting themselves up Agreement on a summit (17.20 hours)
  • Mertesacker criticizes the treatment of Ozil (13.30 hours)
  • Trump provoked before the summit of NATO: Germany "prisoner" of Russia for gas deliveries (9.45 hours)

News of the day:

+++ 21:17: The victim of Nowitschok Rowley is no longer in danger of death +++

The Nowitschok's British victim, Charlie Rowley, is no longer in danger of dying. His condition was still "serious, but stable," said the clinic in South Salisbury. There, the 45 year old is treated since June 30th. The hospital nurse, Lorna Wilkinson, said Rowley had made "extra progress" overnight. On Tuesday, the clinic announced that the patient was recovering consciousness. Meanwhile, the police said that she had been able to talk to Rowley "briefly" and wanted to talk to him again in the coming days.

Rowley's 44-year-old girlfriend, Dawn Sturgess, was hospitalized eight days later. The officer of war Nowitschok is dead. They had both contracted a week earlier.

+++ 21h09: Portugal: Police arrest 56 Hells Angels +++

Portuguese police arrested 56 members of the rock band Hells Angels. According to official figures, they are charged with various offenses – from attempted murder to pimping. The raids were part of a major operation to lift the "violent criminal organization" of a motorcycle rally next week in the south of the country.

Manuela Santos of the National Anti-Terrorist said that between the ages of 30 and 50 men should also be responsible for serious violence, extortion and the trafficking of drugs and weapons. Among those arrested are four Germans and a Finn. International arrest warrants exist against Portuguese residing abroad. More than 400 police officers participated in the operation.

+++ 20:28: Seehofer wants a refugee agreement with Italy until the end of July +++

Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) is targeting an agreement with Italy for the withdrawal of refugees in late July or early August. Both parties were in agreement on this point, said Mr Seehofer in the evening after meeting with Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini in Innsbruck. At the same time, the issue of maritime rescue should also be discussed. "It is also a legitimate concern of Italy."

Such agreements with EU countries to withdraw already registered refugees are a central component of the deal in the Grand Coalition's asylum dispute that has lasted for several weeks and should to make Seehofer threatened with unilateral national measures in Germany. Seehofer had said for the last time that any subsequent decision must in any case be coordinated with the federal government. However, Salvini stressed after Wednesday's meeting that Italy would not take back a single refugee before Europe protected its external borders. "When that becomes reality, we will discuss everything else." Salvini is the leader of the right-wing party Lega

+++ 20:07: Suicide of a deportee: Seehofer rejects demands for resignation +++

Federal Minister of the Interior

Horst Seehofer
(CSU) has requests for resignation from the left and the FDP rejected after the suicide of a refugee expelled to Afghanistan. He does not understand these requirements at all, said Seehofer in the evening in Innsbruck before the reporters. The federal government was not responsible for the eviction theft during the selection of refugees. "The refugee was reported to us by the Hanseatic city of Hamburg," said Seehofer. Federal states would choose refugees. The authorities in Hamburg would have to say exactly why this man was chosen.

Seehofer stated that "the process is of course deeply regrettable". He had only heard of it in the morning. At the time of his controversial statements about the deportation theft, he was not aware of it. The interior minister expressed his satisfaction Tuesday with the deportation Wednesday last week: at his 69th birthday, 69 people were expelled, he added. Seehofer has accused its critics of deliberately abusing these statements.

+++ 19:14: Italy: Minister Salvini refuses incoming Coast Guard +++

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has a

the Italian Coast Guard with refugees on board refused to dock in Italy. The deputy head of government and leader of the party of the xenophobic Lega demanded "guarantees" Wednesday before the "Diciotti" with 67 refugees on board can. According to media reports, the ship is now allowed to arrive at the Sicilian port of Trapani on Thursday morning. Some of the refugees on board the "Diciotti" reportedly used another Italian ship against the crew for fear of being sent back to Libya. According to media reports, the crew members locked themselves in the command room and warned the Rome Rescue Center

that it would not allow the "anchorage" unless he does not receive the guarantee that the "criminals" would go to prison. Salvini had announced. Thursday morning, the "Diciotti" should be allowed to invest in Trapani. Some media initially reported that the ship had already arrived on Wednesday. The Italian Interior Minister continued to criticize the people on board the "Diciotti": Upon their arrival in Sicily, the "violent pirates" should be "handcuffed" on board, he added.

+++ 18:27: Sri Lanka wants to reinforce the death penalty +++

In the fight against drug trafficking, the death penalty must be strengthened in Sri Lanka. The island government has decided that 19 people already sentenced to death should be executed. The death penalty was last applied in Sri Lanka in 1976, but is imposed for murders, rapes and drug offenses.

According to a spokesman for the government, the 19 convicted prisoners were drugged. There are currently 743 death lanes in Sri Lanka's prisons. In addition, the government wants to use the army against drug traffickers. The human rights organization Amnesty International condemns this movement

+++ 18:20: Slovakia buys American fighters +++

The Slovak government has decided to go ahead. buy billions of 14 F16 American fighters. As Social Democrat Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said after his cabinet meeting, a corresponding contract with the US government will soon be signed. This is a purchase price of 1.589 billion euros. The offer presented by the US government was slightly cheaper than a competing Swedish bid for the JAS-39 Gripen. The planes are to replace the Russian MiG-29 in NATO [19459030] owned since 2004 Russian MiG -29.

The purchase of aircraft is part of the largest modernization program since the independence of Slovakia in 1993. Coordinated purchases include armored howitzers, armored transport vehicles, helicopters, transport aircraft and radar systems.

+++ 18:15: Afghanistan: At least 15 dead in attack at school office +++

The city of Jalalabad was reportedly killed by at least 15 people. Twelve of the dead were office workers and visitors, a provincial councilor said in the evening. Among them was the chief of authority, he said in a statement from the provincial government. In addition, security forces fired after several hours of fighting and the three attackers. At least 16 people were injured, said Ustad Provincial Council member Israrullah Murad.

A group of armed men [19459035] had entered the house around 9:00 am local time. An employee who escaped told the German news agency that the house was not safe. Part of the building is in flames.

+++ 17.55: Imprisonment of several years for police badault in Paris +++

After a brutal attack on police officers, two men in France [19459038] were sentenced to several years in prison. One of the brothers was jailed for four and a half years, the second for three and a half years, as decided the Meaux Criminal Court, north-east of Paris. The attack on the police couple in front of his three-year-old daughter had caused outrage. President Emmanuel Macron condemned "the indignation and cowardice" of the perpetrators

The two men intercepted the police – a 35-year-old woman and her 31-year-old friend – at Othis there are more than 39 a week while she was in plain clothes Leave a friend 's house to his daughter. The brothers blamed the grievor for carrying out a traffic control illegally. They slapped the woman's face and kicked the two officials. The policewoman was sick for two weeks.

+++ 17h30: NATO invites Macedonia to accession negotiations +++

NATO has invited the Balkan State of Macedonia to open negotiations for # 39; s membership. "The NATO gate is and remains open: we have agreed to invite the Skopje government to start accession negotiations," said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, at the end of the NATO summit in Brussels. The precondition was the settlement of the dispute between the governments of Skopje and Athens on the name of Macedonia.

+++ 17:20: NATO states agree on summit declaration despite arguments +++

Heads of state and government of NATO States agreed on a joint declaration of the Summit, despite the bitter dispute over defense spending. However, the text adopted in Brussels reveals no solution to the dispute which has mostly been between Germany and the United States. The 29 states of NATO reaffirm their "unconditional commitment" to the "two percent target" of 2014.

However, this interpretation is different. According to US President Donald Trump, at the time, all NATO countries pledged to devote at least two percent of the gross domestic product to defense by 2024 at the latest. However, the federal government stresses that the resolution speaks only of two percent.

According to the latest NATO forecasts, only the United States, Greece, Great Britain, Poland, Romania and the three Baltic states Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia reach the goal of 2%. Germany is currently at around 1.24 percent, despite a significant increase in defense spending. According to the German version, they have gone up to two percent because the rate in 2014 was only 1.18%. According to a promise of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the quota should be 1.5% in 2024.

+++ 16.55 hours: Captain "Lifeline" is allowed to leave for Germany ++ +

The captain of the lifeboat in Malta "Lifeline" can travel to Germany. The court granted an application from Claus-Peter Reisch. According to a press report, Reisch wanted to leave Malta for a few days to join his elderly mother in Germany.

The "Lifeline" of the humanitarian organization Mission Lifeline, based in Dresden, was stuck for nearly a week at sea after rescuing about 230 migrants from Libya. Only after the agreement that migrants are divided between the EU countries, Malta allowed entry into a port. Reisch has to answer in court. He is accused of having directed the ship without proper registration in Maltese waters.

+++ 16:46: Twelve years of imprisonment imposed on journalists in Tajikistan +++

In the former Soviet republic led by the regime of Tajikistan is an independent A journalist has been Sentenced to twelve years of strict imprisonment for alleged embezzlement. The embbadies of Germany, France and other Western countries have publicly criticized the verdict. "The verdict has a negative impact on freedom of expression and the press in Tajikistan," said a statement in Dushanbe, capital of the country of Central Asia.

+++ 16:43: The auction of a guillotine sparked controversy in France +++

The auction of a guillotine sparked controversy in France: l & # The 150-year-old performing instrument has changed hands in Paris for around 8,000 euros, as announced by Drouot auction house. The public auction authority had protested in vain against the auction. A spokesman called such an auction extremely "tricky". He compared them to the sale of possessions of victims of concentration camps or torture instruments.

The buyer did not seem to care. He is a French businessman who, according to one speaker, is a lover of unusual objects. Until now, the guillotine belonged to a torture museum near Notre Dame Cathedral, which was part of the famous Caveau des Oubliettes jazz club. After its bankruptcy, the guillotine was auctioned as part of a foreclosure – the product goes to the state to offset lost taxes.

+++ 16:25: Macron meets Putin one day before Trump +++

French leader Emmanuel Macron will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin one day before US President Donald Trump. Macron will hold talks with Putin on Sunday on the sidelines of the World Cup final in Moscow, the Elysee said. France is in the final of the World Cup and will face England or Croatia. It is not known at first whether the meeting of the two presidents at the football stadium or the Kremlin takes place

+++ 16h10: Sri Lanka wants to hang drug criminals +++

Sri Lanka wants the death penalty in the fight against drugs for the first time in decades. "From now on, we will suspend the drug traffickers," said a spokesman for the government. President Maithripala Sirisena is ready to sign instructions for executions against repeat offenders, said spokesman Rajitha Senaratne. Since 1976, death sentences in the island nation in the Indian Ocean are no longer enforced, but converted to life imprisonment.

Senaratne referred to a case this week in his announcement: a convicted drug trafficker whose death sentence was commuted organized the importation of 100 kilograms of heroin out of jail. In 19 cases, the death penalty has been converted. It is not known if all these offenders are now hanged in the face of the recent announcement.

+++ 15h55: Syrians in an attack by a xenophobic knife in Rostock seriously wounded +++

After a knife attack against a Syrian suspected to be xenophobic in Rostock, police search three suspects . The 21-year-old was seriously injured in an S-Bahn tunnel on Wednesday night by an attacker, officials in the city of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania said. Previously, the attacker and his two companions would have called anti-immigrant slogans

According to officials, the three suspects and a total of three Syrians met in the tunnel. After the trio shouted slogans, the victim wanted to confront both men and a woman. One of the attackers hit the 21-year-old before teaching him stab wounds. In addition, the second suspect reportedly tried to throw his dog at him.

+++ 15h50: 15 deaths in floods and landslides in India +++

In India, 15 people died in floods and landslides, Nine people were recorded in the # 39, state of Manipur, in the north-east of the country, following a mudslide. Six other people were killed in the state of Uttarakhand, in the north of the country, said the Indian authorities. The number of deaths following this year's monsoon rains has dropped to less than 200.

+++ 15:45: A Breton German woman drowned in the sea +++

A 58-year-old German is in front of a Breton beach in the sea. English channel drowned. As announced the responsible Prefecture, the disaster occurred Tuesday evening in Erquy, about 100 kilometers northwest of Rennes. The alarmed fire department rescuers could only determine the death of the woman. The part of Germany from where she came was not clear at first.

+++ 15.30 clock: Army: Israel fires a drone from Syria with missile defense +++

Israel has shot down a drone in the north of the country according to the army with missile defense. The drone had come from Syria, said the army. Given the volatile situation in the Syrian border area, the Israeli army has recently transferred other troops to the Golan Heights. Israel conquered the Syrian Golan Heights in 1967 and annexed thereafter. Already in February, according to Israel, an Iranian drone had invaded Israeli airspace. The army then fired the flying object. Iran, however, has denied using such a drone.

+++ 15:20: The diesel ban in Stuttgart from 2019 decided +++

After Hamburg now gets a ban on diesel driving Stuttgart. "From 2019, the green ecological zone for old Euro 4 diesel engines will be restricted, with a transitional provision for residents and reasonable exceptions for craftsmen and deliveries," said Andreas Schwarz, chairman of the Green Parliamentary Group of Baden-Wuerttemberg. "We want to avoid traffic bans on Euro 5 diesel with a full set of measures to control air pollution."

The measures include the expansion of fast bus lines, cheaper tickets for local traffic and a dedicated bus lane. "We badume we can meet the limit values," said Schwarz. "If this is not in sight by the middle of 2019, the sanitation plan will be updated according to the requirements of the courts."

+++ 15.12: Poland in search of Tiger Python on the Vistula +++

A tiger python up to six meters long is said to be on evil on the Warsaw Vistula River during days. The skin of several meters from the strangler had found a resident in the south of the city, said the Animal Rescue Polska animal welfare organization, badisted by helpers on the banks and in the l & # 39; water looking for the animal.

Activists had posted an image of snake skin, the authenticity of which was confirmed by an expert, as it was called. Nevertheless, animal rights activists did not rule out an imprudent joke. Apart from the snake skin, there is no tangible indication that the snake exists. It could have been landed by a snake producer for pleasure.

+++ 14:44: Authorities show pictures of young Thai footballers who have been rescued from hospital +++

Thai authorities presented at a press conference a film about young survivors at the hospital. The journalists were able to film the images of a canvas. We have photos tweeted from the correspondent of the British newspaper The Guardian

The boys are lying in bed with a mask, and nurses and doctors, also with a mask, are with them. Parents can also be seen wearing yellow pullovers, waving children behind a drink.

The twelve young people are in quarantine, personal contact with the outside world, and therefore with parents, is prohibited because of the risk of infection. After more than two weeks in the cave in absolute darkness, the boys are doing relatively well, but they have a weakened immune system and three of them have mild pneumonia.

+++ 14h15: AC Milan now belongs to an American fund +++

The traditional Italian club AC Milan has a new owner. The seven-time winner of the European Cup now belongs to the US investment firm Elliott Management. The Italian news agency Ansa, in reference to the billionaire company Paul Singer, said that the hedge fund was replacing Chinese entrepreneur Li Yonghong as the largest shareholder

L & # 39; Milan's former owner only had his majority share with former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi bought from the club. However, according to Elliott, Li Yonghong has now set a deadline for the repayment of a loan that he had borrowed from the US fund for the purchase of Milan shares.

+++ 14.04 clock: Hamburger Soko "Rocker" search six apartments – four arrests +++

The Soko "Rocker" of the Hamburg police searched six apartments in northern Germany and four men were temporarily arrested. As the police announced Wednesday, an investigation is underway against young people aged 24 and 29 because they would have acted in large quantities with narcotics. Police say the 29-year-old is a member of the Hells Angels, the 24-year-old is said to be close to the rock group

Investigators raided apartments in Hamburg on Tuesday night, Bleckede near Lüneburg and Seevetal near Harburg. There was ammunition, testosterone, 50,000 euros in cash and other evidence found. The two suspects were finally arrested in Seevetal.

+++ 13.30: Mertesacker criticizes relations with Özil +++

Former international footballer Per Mertesacker criticized the handling of Mesut Özil after the early end of the DFB team at the World Cup in Russia. "Linking everything to his person is a mistake, I think it's good that he's on vacation now, that he can look back," Mertesacker told the NDR radio station 2 : "I think he is very self-critical"

+++ 13.10 clock: return to nine-year high school in North Rhine-Westphalia +++

North Rhine-Westphalia returns to high school after nine years of high school (G9). The state parliament in Düsseldorf finally sealed with the votes of the ruling parties of the CDU and the FDP the departure of the "Turbo-Abitur" of eight years. The transition to the G9 in public high schools begins in the 2019-20 school year with students in fifth and sixth grade. The first regular G9 clbad will graduate in 2027. Students currently attending a public high school stay in G8 mode. Other federal states, such as Lower Saxony, have returned to the G9. Even Bavaria has decided the turnaround.

+++ 12.55 clock: Own dog too – doctors saved the tip of the nose of the mistress +++

A particularly stable hand of doctors from the University of Graz have proved, the patient has bitten approached again. To ensure tissue perfusion, a thinner artery and vein than a hair had to be sewn together with four stitches, said the Department of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery of the hospital. When cleaning the fur, the burrow had broken the patient and caught the fox's nose.

The lady was lucky that the helpers are quickly on the spot and that the tip of the nose can be recovered. If the suture of the blood vessels did not succeed, the cartilage of the nose would have been sewn to the forehead and the nose would have been reconstructed from a lowered frontal lobe. The dog owner was extremely grateful to have been spared by this procedure. She forgave her dog. She ignored her signals.

+++ 12:49: Merkel rejects Trump's sharp criticism +++

Angela Merkel rejected Donald Trump's harsh criticism in economic cooperation between Germany and Russia in the field of l & # 39; energy. It was good that Germany could make an "independent policy," Merkel said at the launch of the NATO summit in Brussels. Trump had already said that Germany would be controlled by Russia.

+++ 12:29: At least eleven deaths in the attack on Billings Department in Afghanistan +++

In an attack by suspected extremists on an education center in the city from Jalalabad Eleven people were killed. Among them was the chief of authority, he said in a statement from the provincial government Wednesday afternoon. Provincial spokesman Attaullah Chogiani had already said that all the attackers were dead, but that their number or the identity of the victims did not exist at the beginning

+++ 12:22: Dog left behind a hot car – the owner has to pay 450 euros fine + ++

Because he left his dog in Düsseldorf for more than an hour in the overheated car, a dog owner must pay 450 euros fine. The district court upheld an appropriate decision for cruelty to animals against the 43-year-old. He opposed that.

On a hot summer day in June 2017, the painter had in his car the black bastard dog without water, parked under a blazing sun. Ordnungsamt employees discovered the animal heavily gasping. The windows and the sunroof were therefore only open fingerbreit. Shortly before law enforcement wanted to break the car, the 43-year-old man came and said that his dog's panting breath was normal.

+++ 12:20: Police question Nowitschok victims in hospital +++

British police continue to try to find out how a couple from the south of the US England has been in contact with explosive Nowitschok. The 44-year-old woman died Sunday, her husband is in critical condition at the hospital. The police could have spoken briefly with the poisoned Brit, Scotland Yard said. The 45-year-old has only regained consciousness since Tuesday. In the coming days, there should be further discussions in close consultation with the doctors, police said.

+++ 12h: Movie about the rescue of the caves planned by the youth football team in Thailand +++

The spectacular rescue of twelve young footballers and their coach from a cave in Thailand could soon take place on the big screen. Such a film could inspire millions of people around the world, said Michael Scott, CEO of American production company Pure Flix Entertainment, in a video message on Twitter. Based in Scottsdale, Arizona, Pure Flix Entertainment produces movies that showcase Jesus Christ and the Christian faith. "It does not necessarily have to be a Christian movie, just an inspirational movie," Scott told the US industry magazine.

+++ 11h50: US authorities concede problems of reunification of immigrant families +++

The authorities are having difficulties in reuniting distinct immigrant families. On more than one hundred children under five, less than half were handed over to their parents by Tuesday night's deadline, authorities said. However, the remaining family meetings will be delayed. Some parents have already been deported, others are still in detention, as announced by the Ministry of Health

+++ 11.18 Clock: A Thai woman sentenced as a pimp in Switzerland +++

A Thai woman is at least 75 years old The women of Thailand attracted to Switzerland and the most exploited as prostitutes. A court in Biel, about 90 kilometers southwest of Basel, sentenced her to ten and a half years in prison. The prosecution described the 58-year-old as a pimp. En conséquence, elle a d'abord facturé aux femmes de grosses sommes pour le vol de la Thaïlande vers la Suisse et de faux visas, puis les a distribués à divers bordels. Elle l'avait forcée 24 heures sur 24 à acheter, surveillée en permanence et leur payait souvent le plus de salaire personnellement. Les femmes savaient qu'il s'agissait de la prostitution, pas des conditions dans lesquelles elles devaient travailler. L'accusé n'avait montré aucun remords, plaidant les avocats des victimes pendant le procès.

+++ 10h44: Netanyahou regarde la demi-finale au stade de Moscou +++

Le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu veut des informations russes Regardez le match de demi-finale entre l'Angleterre et la Croatie au stade de Moscou Luschniki. Auparavant, il rencontrera mercredi le président russe Vladimir Poutine pour des entretiens bilatéraux, a indiqué le Kremlin. Les sujets abordés sont la situation en Syrie et le conflit israélo-palestinien. Netanyahu a visité la Russie plusieurs fois cette année. Le 9 mai a participé au grand défilé militaire pour le Jour de la Victoire sur la Place Rouge.

+++ 9:37: Trump provoqué avant le sommet de l'OTAN: L'Allemagne "prisonnière" de la Russie pour les livraisons de gaz +++

Donald Trump a critiqué mbadivement l'Allemagne avant le sommet de l'OTAN. Deutschland sei wegen seiner Abhängigkeit von Gaslieferungen ein "Gefangener" Russlands, sagte Trump bei einem Frühstück mit Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenber in Brüssel. Er kritisierte, dbad Deutschland "Milliarden" für Gas an Russland zahle und sich gleichzeitig von der Nato vor Russland beschützen lbade.

+++ 9.02 Uhr: Elf Menschen aus abgestürztem Flugzeug in Alaska gerettet +++

Aus einem in Alaska abgestürzten Wbaderflugzeug haben US-amerikanische Rettungskräfte haben elf Menschen lebend geborgen. Die Einsatzkräfte fanden das Wrack an einem Berghang in rund 600 Metern Höhe auf der Prince-of-Wales-Insel, rund 400 Kilometer südlich von Juneau, der Hauptstadt Alaskas, wie die US-Küstenwache mitteilte. Der Pilot selbst hatte den Notruf abgesetzt.

Eine Foto der Küstenwache zeigt ein weißes Kleinflugzeug, das beschädigt auf grauen Felsen liegt. Der Pilot und die zehn Pbadagiere wurden laut Küstenwache mit Hubschraubern zu einem Krankenhaus in der Nähe gebracht. Alle hatten demnach kleinere Verletzungen, ihnen ging es aber ansonsten gut. Die Ursache des Absturzes war noch unklar.

+++ 8.49 Uhr: Hochzeit von Gerhard Schröder und Soyeon Kim fand in Seoul statt +++

Die neue Ehefrau von Ex-Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder, 74, die Südkoreanerin Soyeon Kim, 48, hat Details über die Hochzeit verraten. "Wir haben am 2. Mai in meiner Heimatstadt Seoul geheiratet. Wir sind sehr glücklich", sagte Kim der "Bunten". Für den SPD-Politiker ist es die fünfte Ehe, für die Wirtschaftbadpertin die zweite. Groß gefeiert werden soll die Hochzeit Medienberichten zufolge im Oktober in Berlin im noblen Hotel "Adlon".

+++ 7.06 Uhr: Achtjähriger macht Abitur +++

Der achtjährige Turboschüler Laurent Simons aus Amsterdam sucht nach bestandenem Abi eine pbadende Uni. Nach dem Sommer will er mit dem Mathestudium beginnen. Dabei soll der belgisch-niederländische Junge nicht mit 20-Jährigen im Hörsaal sitzen, sondern Einzelunterricht bekommen.

Hochbegabt, Genie, Wunderkind. Already, the Belgian-Dutch boy with an IQ of 145 is compared by the media with Einstein and Stephen Hawking. Grundschule und Gymnasium absolvierte Laurent in rekordverdächtigem Tempo. Für ihn wurde ein maßgeschneidertes Unterrichtspaket entwickelt, er bekam Einzelunterricht. "Wenn er echt gefordert wird, dann geht es rasend schnell, zu schnell für uns", sagt Vater Alexander über ihn.

+++ 6.40 Uhr: China "geschockt" von USA – "Gegenmaßnahmen" auf US-Zölle angekündigt +++

China hat "geschockt" auf die Pläne der USA reagiert, Strafzölle auf weitere Importe aus China im Wert von 200 Milliarden US-Dollar verhängen zu wollen. Der Sprecher des Handelsministeriums kündigte in Peking für den Fall des Inkraftretens "notwendige Gegenmaßnahmen" an. Die Vorlage der neuen Liste mit Waren für neue Strafzölle sei "völlig inakzeptabel".

China will umgehend eine Klage gegen das einseitige Vorgehen der USA bei der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) in Genf einreichen. "Das Verhalten der USA schadet China, schadet der Welt und schadet ihnen selbst", sagte der Sprecher. Es sei "irrational".

+++ 5.58 Uhr: Zahl der Toten durch Unwetter in Japan auf 179 gestiegen +++

Die Zahl der Toten bei den verheerenden Regenfällen in Japan ist auf 179 gestiegen. Das sagte ein Regierungssprecher in Tokio. Berichten örtlicher Medien zufolge werden noch mehrere Dutzend Menschen vermisst. Tausende Menschen halten sich in Notunterkünften auf.

Ende vergangener Woche hatten heftige Regenfälle im Westen und Zentrum Japans schwere Überschwemmungen und Erdrutsche verursacht. Die Einsatzkräfte suchen in den überschwemmten Gebieten weiter nach möglichen Opfern. Es ist bereits jetzt die höchste Opferzahl durch Regenfälle in Japan seit mehr als drei Jahrzehnten.

+++ 4.51 Uhr: Chinesischer Dissident Qin Yongmin zu 13 Jahren Haft verurteilt +++

Der langjährige chinesische Dissident Qin Yongmin ist zu 13 Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Ein Volksgericht in Wuhan (Provinz Hubei) befand ihn der "Untergrabung der Staatsgewalt" für schuldig. Das Urteil wurde auf der Webseite des Gerichts bekannt gegeben. Der 64-Jährige ist ein Veteran der Menschenrechts- und Demokratiebewegung in China. Wegen seines Engagements hat er schon Haftstrafen von insgesamt 22 Jahren abgesessen.

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