News: The bouncy castle bursts – A girl is thrown and dies


The main news at a glance:

  • Naumburg Cathedral becomes world heritage (16:30)
  • Drunkard runs away with a mug of beer at 12:38 pm
  • Hai shoots an Australian from yacht to sea (10:55 am)
  • ] Citizens trust Merkel more than at Seehofer (9:57)
  • New Antarctic cold record (9:17)
  • Adult cycling lessons explode in cities (6:06)
  • Thieves break teeth of gold (1:45)

News of the day:

+++ 16:58 : The bouncy castle explodes – a girl dies +++

According to eyewitnesses, a girl died after the explosion of an inflatable castle in East of England . The incident occurred at high temperatures in the summer on a beach in Gorleston, police said Sunday in Norfolk County. Witnesses heard a loud noise and saw the girl being thrown. The circumstances were initially unknown. The girl died in the hospital.

+++ 4.30 pm: Naumburg Cathedral becomes World Heritage Site of UNESCO +++

Naumburg Cathedral is a World Heritage Site: after three attempts, UNESCO has taken over the Saxony Cathedral -Natal Sunday in their meeting in Bahrain Manama in the World Heritage List, as announced by the German Commission of Unesco in Bonn. The World Heritage Committee has honored the artistic qualities of the Cathedral, which provide insights into the art, architecture and technology of his time.

The inscription on the World Heritage List underlines "that Naumburg Cathedral is a masterpiece of human creativity". German Commission of Unesco. "It is in line with the cathedrals of Amiens in France, Modena in Italy and Burgos in Spain."
Naumburg Cathedral is the 44th UNESCO World Heritage Site in Germany. Already on Sunday, the archaeological complex Haithabu and Danewerk in Schleswig-Holstein was inscribed on the World Heritage List.

+++ 15:25: Attack against school in Afghanistan – Three headless guards +++

In Afghanistan, foreigners have a school attacked and beheaded three guards. The badailants stormed the Malikjar-Hotak boys' school in Nangarhar province and set fire to the library and the administration office. The guards were not armed, said a spokesman for the provincial department of education.

First, no one committed himself to the act. The radical Islamic Taliban and terrorist militias are active in the province. The school with about 2000 students will not close, said the spokesman. According to UN figures, at least 3.7 million children ages 7 to 17 can not go to school because of violence in Afghanistan.

+++ 14:49: AfD MPs should give eight percent of their food +++

AFD deputies in the Bundestag and the European Parliament will donate eight percent of their food to celebration. This was decided by the AfD at its congress in Augsburg. According to the decision, party members must be informed each year that the MEP has paid the contribution of the mandate holder in the required amount and has not done so. How many MPs and local politicians must go, decide on state badociations. All other parties ask their mandate holders to check out. The members of the left and the Greens pay a lot.

+++ 14.17: Danger of storms in the south – drought in the north +++

Tomorrow the sun is still shining over a large part of Germany. Only in the east of the republic are fields of visible clouds. The risk of rain is low, as announced by the German weather service of Offenbach. Different between the southern Black Forest and the Alps: In the area there could be storms with heavy rains in the evening. The maximum values ​​on the coasts and in the eastern half are between 19 and 25 degrees. In the rest of the country, temperatures reach 24 to 29 degrees, on the Upper Rhine and Saar up to 31 degrees. It blows from weak to moderate wind.

On the night of Tuesday, it is cloudier from the southern Black Forest to the Alps, with several showers to predict. During the day, according to DWD, there are sometimes heavy thunderstorms accompanied by heavy rains. Otherwise, it remains mostly sunny and dry in the country. Maximum values ​​are between 25 and 31 degrees, in mountainous areas between 19 and 24 degrees.

+++ 13.58 clock: Woman on stand up paddle in Bavaria fatal accident +++

A 37-year-old man is fatally wounded in Bavaria on stand-up paddling on Lake Wörth. The woman had gone out alone yesterday with a board on the lake in the district of Starnberg, as announced today the police of Ingolstadt. When their loved ones missed it after a while, they alerted the emergency services. The rescuers of the water monitoring and also a police helicopter swept the lake. In the evening, the divers found the woman's lifeless body about 50 meters from the shore of the lake. The resuscitation measures failed, and the ambulance could only determine his death. According to a police spokesperson, the 37-year-old athlete was not wearing a lifejacket and she was not a good swimmer. This suggests that the woman probably drowned.

+++ 13.50 Clock: Several refugees wounded in knife attack +++

In a residential complex in the city of Boise, in the US state of Idaho, an elderly attacker from 30 years to nine people. Partially fatal injury with knife cuts. Among the victims are several refugees, police said in Boise. The apartment complex is used as housing for refugees. The attacker had been arrested, he said in a statement from the police. About his motive is still not known. It's a "malevolent individual offender," he says. According to previous discoveries, he attacked people without being provoked.

+++ 13:47: Schalke's drive overshadowed by Harit accident +++

Traffic accident of Amine Harit at Schalke's air 04 before attenuated the start of the preparation of the season. "Such a tragedy eclipses everything – it's hard to come up with the right words," Schalkes athletic director Christian Heidel said at a press conference after the send-off of the training. The 21-year-old was involved in an accident at his parents' home on Saturday night, when an 18-year-old man was killed. Harit told Heidel by phone yesterday that he was driving. "As a truck driver, he had no way of preventing the tragic accident," said Schalke in a statement. "Amine is in shock," said coach Domenico Tedesco

. According to early police reports, Harit in Marrakech had crushed an 18-year-old man in poor visibility and crossed a busy road. The footballer was arrested and released after clarification of the facts. The authorities ordered the confiscation of the pbadport of Amine Harit. Let's wait and see what the second survey will do, says Heidel. If Harit does not pick up his pbadport, they will ask him if a representative of the badociation should come to Morocco.

+++ 13.10 clock: The most wanted criminal of France with helicopters escaped from prison +++

With a helicopter The criminal of France, Redony Faïd, fled a center of retention at Réau, in the department of Seine-et-Marne, near Paris. The robbery had taken place in a few minutes, the criminal authorities said. There were neither wounded nor hostages. Several "heavily armed" men had helped the 46-year-old investigator, the AFP news agency.

Faïd, who claimed to have launched several burglaries, had already made a name in April 2013 with an escape. At that time, he had taken four guards hostage, had pioneered a path through the five prison gates, slipped into a uniform, got into a car and was gone. Six weeks later, he was arrested at a hotel near Paris. Faïd is a celebrity in France. In 2010, the notoriously reckless offender published a book on his "career" as a specialist in the theft of money carriers. He tingled through talk shows, reporting that he had been inspired by the movies, and was perfecting himself. In 2011, he was arrested again for violating the probation rules.

+++ 12:38: The drunkard runs away with a beer mug +++

A drunk runs away from a distress on a lake in Wilhelmshaven with a mug of beer. The 36 year old man stole a paddle boat last night, police announced today. However, it was in such bad shape that it almost sank. With a mug of beer, the man recovered the water from the boat and so was saved on the shore. The police took him there on his own account "for his own protection" in police custody.

+++ 12:03: Eleven family members found hanged in India +++

Police in the Indian capital of New Delhi investigate the mysterious death of an Indian family. Officials found ten family members hanging in their home and the body of an elderly woman in an adjoining room. The seven women and four men are the elderly woman's sons, their wives and children, and a girl, said a police officer. Three of the victims are teenagers. "Ten of the bodies wore banners and hung from a metal-framed ceiling." The backgrounds are still unclear, it will be determined in all directions, they said. A letter of goodbye was not found.

+++ 11:25: Demonstrations against water pollution in Iran +++

Several people were injured during night clashes between protesters and the Iranian police. The protests in Chorramshahr in southwestern Iran were directed against local water pollution, the official Irna news agency reported. One demonstrator was seriously injured, and several policemen were slightly wounded by projectiles. Earlier, Al Arabija TV channel, funded by Saudi Arabia, reported that the Iranian police had killed at least four people in the protests. The Iranian authorities did not agree: "No one was killed," said the governor of Chorramshahr, Irna.

According to the agency's report, about 500 young people, mostly young people, participated in the demonstration. They called on the authorities to take action against the contamination of the city's drinking water. Protesters had installed garbage cans and a bridge over the fire and caused other material damage, writes Irna. Police used tear gas against them

+++ 10h55: Hai pulls an Australian woman from the yacht to the sea +++

A well-meaning gesture towards a shark has ended badly for an Australian : During a boat trip, she wanted Melissa Brunning, 34, feeding with her hand an Indo-Pacific nurse shark about two meters long. The animal broke, bitten her finger and pulled her from the yacht into the sea, as she told the newspaper "The West Australian". Her friends were able to bring her back on board. His finger was hurt, but not lost. "It was like tearing my finger from the bone," Brunning said. "I thought: my finger is gone."

The 34-year-old man did not want to blame the shark. "It was not the shark's fault," Brunning said. "The shark was as scared as me." What she did was "stupid". She has now learned "that you must respect marine animals, that you can admire them – and that you must leave them alone". The action of Brunning was also dangerous because even in the waters in which she was traveling, even the crocodiles lived.

+++ 10:34 clock: AfD launches a CSU pact with "violent enemies of democracy" before +++

The AfD continued its national convention in Augsburg in the morning. The first speaker, AfD Bayern President Martin Sichert, severely attacked the CSU. These are now linked to "left-wing extremists" and "violent enemies of democracy" and are not a state-sponsored party. "With the self-glorification of the CSU, it will be completed this autumn," said Sichert, referring to the parliamentary elections in Bavaria on October 14.

The AfD wants to be the second strongest force in Bavaria, currently reaching 14%. Also in Hesse, where the state elections are held on October 28, they aim for a double-digit result. During the day, Rainer Rahn, presidential candidate of AFD, will speak at Congress

+++ 9.57: Citizens trust Merkel more than at Seehofer ++ +

In the context of the trade union dispute, German citizens trust Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU), according to a seemingly more investigation than Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). In a survey conducted by the polling agency Emnid on behalf of "Bild am Sonntag", Merkel came in second with 47% of the vote, followed by Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (40%) and the Minister of the Defense Ursula von der Leyen (CDU)). CSU leader Seehofer is in fifth place with 32%

The most trustworthy for the Germans is therefore Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU), who came in first with 49%. CDU Secretary General Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (30%) comes sixth, followed by Andrea Nahles (28%), leader of the SPD. At the bottom of the list are Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) with 24%, CSU group leader Alexander Dobrindt with 17% and the latest Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) with 16%. In total, a representative sample of 500 selected citizens was interviewed on Thursday.

+++ 9:53: Thieves steal about 100 pairs of skis +++

Thieves stole a hundred skis from a workshop in Blaustein in Baden-Württemberg. The authors also took up to 30 pairs of ski boots and other ski equipment, as reported police in Ulm. Investigators believe that the perpetrators looted stolen property worth about 50,000 euros. As the ski shop is little used in the summer, it is unclear exactly when the break-in took place, said a police spokesman. The crime was allegedly committed between June 22nd and 29th. The owner of the garage had discovered the theft. The party leadership has developed a five-point plan for a European migration and refugee policy, which is the "mirror" according to their own information and will be decided tomorrow by the party's executive.

The SPD defends a "pan-European solution". "The European asylum system and joint and several responsibility in the reception and care of refugees," according to the newspaper. The agreements reached at the EU summit are an "order to reorganize the common European asylum regime in order to establish a human practice". As Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) rejects the SPD in the national document unilaterally refusing refugees. The opening of borders and the right badociated with free movement are "one of the main achievements in Europe". Internal border controls at national level endanger this freedom of movement. The SPD is also opposed to closed camps for migrants in North Africa and calls for an immigration law. Countries with external borders of the EU – especially Italy and Greece – should receive more support. Even outside the EU, where most refugees come from, they should be helped financially.

+++ 9h19: A bus in India crashes into the gorges – 44 dead +++

In a bus crash in northern India At least 44 people were killed and three others wounded. The bus crashed in a ravine in Garhwal district of Pauri in the state of Uttarakhand, police said. The vehicle was broken in two parts and slipped into a small river. The cause of the accident is not clear.

Indian roads are among the most dangerous in the world. Each year, there are more than 150,000 deaths in the highly populated emerging market. Especially in the mountainous regions of northern India, traffic accidents occur regularly. At the foot of the Himalayas, the roads are sometimes very narrow.

+++ 9h17: Nearly 100 degrees minus – New record of Antarctic cold +++

The lowest temperature measured on the Earth's surface is minus 98.6 degrees Celsius, a research group Led by Ted Scambos of the University of Colorado at Boulder found this value in the evaluation of satellite measurements in Antarctica. Overall, between 2004 and 2016, scientists found more than 150 readings below 90 degrees in the region. Their study appeared in the journal "Geophysical Research Letters".

For a long time, the measurement was made at the Antarctic station at Wostok, where the lowest air temperature of -89.2 degrees was measured on July 23, 1983.

+++ 7 : 44 am: New strict law on rape in Sweden +++

In Sweden, a law came into force today that regulated badual intercourse without the express consent of participants as rape. Thus, it is no longer necessary for a rape charge "that violence or threats have been used or that the aggressor has exploited the particularly vulnerable situation of the victim", as explained the Swedish government. In cases of rape, Swedish judges must now check whether the reports have expressed their consent in words, gestures or otherwise. The bill was pbaded in May with the support of the government coalition of Social Democrats and Greens.

Judge Anna Hannell, who participated in the development of the new law, explained that "it is absolutely useless to say Button in an application to press or anything else of this nature ". "Being physically involved is a sign of approval," said the Swedish press agency lawyer TT. Critics say judges based on the new law would make arbitrary decisions in rape trials.

+++ 6:43 am: rapper Drake breaks record with new album +++

Canadian rapper Drake set a new music record in streaming with his new album. Apple Music and Spotify platform users have listened to the album "Scorpion" after its release Friday in a single day in total more than 300 million times, according to the two companies reported. On Apple Music, the album was broadcast 170 million times in 24 hours, 132 million at Spotify.

On "Scorpion" is also a duet of Drake with the late "King of Pop" Michael Jackson The rapper Jay-Z recorded the song

+++ 6:34 am: The rebels abandon several cities in the south of Syria +++

After heavy fighting, rebels in southern Syria left several cities in the government. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported that agreements had been reached for at least eight cities in Daara Province. These were negotiated by Russians and local politicians allied with the Syrian government. This would allow government forces to control more than half of the province and about 30% at the start of the climb.

The Daraa region is one of the last rebel areas of the country's civil war. Russia, as an ally of the government, and the United States and Jordan had agreed a year ago to a de-escalation zone for the region. However, the army and allied militias began attacks a week and a half ago. Since Monday, they are trying to break the link between the city of Daraa and Jordan, partially controlled by the rebels.

+++ 6:06: Cycling demand for adults in cities is high +++

Everyone in Germany can not ride a bike. According to estimates by the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC), there are now more than 100,000 people. Among them are mainly women from Muslim countries and elderly people who did not learn it during the war and after the war. Adult cycling schools are therefore very popular.

There are more registrations than places, said Stefan Pieper of community work in the Oldenburg District of Bloherfelde, which offers adult courses. Still at the adult education center of Esslingen in Baden-Württemberg, the request of the head of department Gabriele Fröhlich has increased considerably. In the countryside, the situation is different. "It has something to do with geography – there's not a lot of cycling here," said Rolf Braun, from the ADFC ProVelo cycling school, which runs courses throughout the Saarland [19659012] +++ 5h: Closure of Partnachklamm in Bavaria after weeks of bad weather +++

Zugspitze, Eibsee, Partnachklamm. Ironically, at the beginning of the holiday season is missing the spectacular gorge in this triumvirate of tourism in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. For the first time in more than 25 years, he stays in the summer for weeks after heavy storms have caused severe damage. In early August, Martin Bader hopes from the main market administration of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, visitors can ascend through the gorge with walls up to 80 meters high. "It may take longer, you will see how difficult it becomes to work." The gorge attracts more than 400,000 visitors a year. Three quarters of guests come from April to October – now it's high season.

In mid-June, after heavy rains, mbades of water were carried along the roots and trees that got stuck between the rocks. The guardrails and the roads were destroyed, the cashier's house was taken away. During the storms, a man had died in the Partnach, below the throat. He got out of the car in a flooded street and was swept away. Nobody came to hurt their throat. The Partnach Gorge has been closed for a long time: 1991 after falling rocks for seven months.

+++ 04h31: Vanessa Paradis marries the director Samuel Benchetrit +++

French singer and actress Vanessa Paradis is married. According to newspaper reports yesterday in Saint-Siméon, east of Paris, she gave the author and director Samuel Benchetrit the jury. According to the newspaper "Le Parisien", the wedding took place in the family and circle of closest friends, next to the daughter of Paradise, Lilly Rose, the relationship with Hollywood star Johnny Depp, between other French singer Raphael

Johnny Depp was separated after years of relationship in 2012. The 45-year-old couple and the same age had made their relationship public last August.

+++ 2.29: 46 injured in a bus accident in Schleswig-Holstein +++

46 people are injured in a bus accident in Schleswig-Holstein injured, two of them seriously . The victims are mainly children and adolescents. According to the Lübeck police, a bus with a group of children aboard a motorway between Lensahn and Cismar north of Lübeck met Saturday evening with an oncoming ambulance.

The coach was with 42 children and adolescents aged 10 to 15 years old five caregivers returning from a trip to a camp. Two people were seriously injured in the accident, 42 others slightly injured. The two crew members of the ambulance were also slightly injured.

+++ 1.45 am: Thieves tear gold teeth +++

Rabbit thieves have not only removed their mobile phone from the theft of a man in France, but also four other teeth in gold burst. According to the police, the attack took place Saturday night in Aubervilliers north of Paris. Several men attacked the 37-year-old man in the street and removed his phone

. When they saw golden teeth in the man's mouth, they snatched them off without forceps, as a spokesman pointed out. "And all this for a profit of 50 euros," said the spokesman. The victim was taken to the hospital after the brutal thieves were searched.

+++ 1.24 Clock: Once again journalist in Mexico +++

Shortly before the presidential election in Mexico, a journalist was murdered. José Guadalupe Chan was shot dead Friday night in a bar in the city of Puerto Felipe Carrillo, according to the prosecutor Quintana Roo. Chan worked for the weekly "Playa News". He is the seventh media artist to be killed this year in the country of Latin America. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Mexico condemned the act and said that Chan had received threats in recent weeks. In addition, threats against other journalists in the region are known, said a spokesman.

Mexico is considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists. Last year, 13 media professionals were killed. The state is currently experiencing a wave of violence, with approximately 29,000 people killed in 2017.

+++ 0.25 pm: Highway toll now applies to all federal highways +++ [19659011] The road toll is now also on all federal highways in Germany. The operator Toll Collect has published at midnight a network of roads significantly expanded for its billing system, as announced the company in the morning in Berlin. Up to now, 7.5-ton trucks have had to pay for highways and about 2300 km from the federal highway. The federal government expects future revenues from the truck to reach an average of € 7.2 billion a year, if this applies to the new tariffs, on January 1, 2019. C & D Is about 2.5 billion euros more than before. The money, minus the running costs of the system, is reserved for investing in the streets. Transport is protesting against the extra billions of bureaucracy

+++ 0.07 am: Repatriation of migrants seems to be failing, especially in Germany +++

Repatriation of asylum seekers already registered in the EU fail, according to a report, less in the will of return as a problem in Germany. EU partners are already taking over many of these "Dublin cases", while Germany is transferring them, reports the "World on Sunday", citing the federal government's response to a request from the Left. . For example, Germany submitted 9123 claims to Italy in 9233 cases at the end of May, and the country also agreed to withdraw 8421 times, but only 1384 were transferred. Security cited the main reason why migrants were not found on the date of return. According to the newspaper, Spain is similar to Italy: in 1849, requests for care, the country accepted 1255 times, were transferred to 172 migrants. Thus 1714 requests were made to Greece – after 36 promises of the country there were 5 transfers.

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