News Ticker: Deportation of the former bodyguard Bin Laden Sami A .: Violent accusations against Germany


On Friday, bin Laden's former bodyguard, Sami A., was deported, despite a court ruling. Now he has to be brought back to Germany. But it is not so easy. Against the Minister of the Interior Seehofer has been reported. All news in the ticker.

  • Osama bin Laden, a former bodyguard suspected of being deported to Tunisia, is to be returned to Germany by court order.
  • The deportation of Sami A., who was clbadified as an Islamist author in Tunisia, was "grossly illegal," said the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court.
  • The Tunisian was deported Friday morning, although the court was closed the day before.
  • The role of Seehofer in the process is still not clear.

>> UPDATE << < "> >>> UPDATE <<<

7.53 am: The case of Sami A. asks the SPD and the Greens to the parliament of North Rhine -Westphalia in the short term, a special meeting of the Legal Committee despite the summer parliamentary recess. The government of the black and yellow state is suspected of having cheated a German court and ignored the law, said Monday night the executive director of the SPD faction, Sarah Philipp, in Dusseldorf. "That's why we are asking for a special session of the Legal Affairs Committee later this week."

7:49: Margit Balkenhol is a judge at the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court. She had decided that Sami A. could not be deported at the moment, as the alleged bodyguard of ex-bin Laden threatens torture in Tunisia. Balkenhol and his court now feel deceived by the information : the Federal Office for Migration (BAMF), the Office of Immigration, the Rhineland State of North-Westphalia and the federal government. The reason: She had learned too late about the new deportation date. When she sent her decision to the Bamf, Sami A. was already in the air

18:59: The newspaper Bild apparently conducted an interview with Sami A. about his lawyer. In this document, perhaps the former bodyguard of terrorist leader Osama bin Laden raises serious accusations against the German rule of law: "I was kidnapped from Germany." three o'clock in the morning, they just took me in. I told the police: it's not possible, a court forbade my deportation! But they said it came from the top and that I could not do anything about it, I did not even have the right to see my lawyer, and they also prevented me from contacting my wife and children. "The question arose: who was at the top ?

Apparently, he also had to expose himself because he said: "Then I was packed in a private plane and just flew in. I never thought it would be possible in a constitutional state like Germany.Even before that, they undressed me.Although I pointed out that as a Muslim, I do not want to be naked in front of them. "

One thing he vehemently denies:" I've never been Osama bin Laden's bodyguard, it's completely fictitious. "I was in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Iran in my life but never in Afghanistan – here in Tunisia, too, everyone knows that these allegations are just not correct. "

Deportation Sami A .: Seehofer and NRW Man Stamp- post canceled

Meanwhile, the meeting of the Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer with North Rhine-Westphalia The Minister of Refugees of Westphalia Joachim Stam p (FDP) was canceled unexpectedly Tuesday in Düsseldorf. According to a statement issued Monday evening by the Foreign Ministry, "many questions remain open to work to prepare the meeting." It was therefore agreed to use the summer holidays to continue to work and, at the end of the summer, to discuss the ministers

The meeting was aimed at speed up asylum procedures and repatriate perpetrators and criminals. The long-awaited date coincides with the controversial debate over Sami A.'s deportation from North Rhine-Westphalia to Tunisia.

This was the news of July 16, 2018

5:30 pm:

North Rhine-Westphalia Refugee Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP) ordered the deportation of Islamists Defender Sami A. defends. At the time of the expulsion theft "there was no court decision of the administrative court, which would have resisted the deportation," Stamp said Monday in Düsseldorf. "If it had existed, we would have refrained from repatriating."

Stamp reiterated that his department would file a complaint against the court order that Sami A. should be brought back to Germany.

Joachim Stamp (FDP), Minister for Refugees of North Rhine-Westphalia, addresses the press for the deportation of Sami A.

© dpa / Marius Becker

13: 26: The alleged Islamist author Sami A. according to his German lawyer in the Tunisian prison Fear of violence. "Other deportees told me that they had been beaten without a lawyer within 48 hours," Seda Basay-Yildiz said Monday in Frankfurt. According to Tunisian law, a lawyer has the right to speak to his client after two days at the latest. Overall, the deported Sami A. may be detained under the law of the country for up to 15 days without a prison sentence, said Basay-Yildiz. At present, she has no contact with him

12:25: The conflict over the possibly illegitimate deportation of Islamist author Sami A. is ongoing. The Ministry of Refugees of North Rhine-Westphalia is still working on a complaint against the court order that the deported Sami A. must be brought back to Germany. The appeal should be filed as soon as possible before the Higher Administrative Court of Münster, the ministry said on Monday.

Expulsion of the former bodyguard of Bin Laden Sami To: Seehofer under pressure

10.07 am: Armin Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Laschet (CDU) defended his government of State in the comings and goings of the deportation of the Islamist danger Sami A. "We, as politicians, must decide according to law and order, that is what the government of the State has done, "Laschet said Monday in Berlin before a meeting of the CDU's presidium. "You know when the decision was made, namely too late," Laschet told the prosecution that the authorities had acted prematurely. "And I think, therefore, we can be happy that the threat is no longer in Germany." The Higher Administrative Court to consider the case now.

6:45: After heated debate over the possible illegal kidnapping of Islamist junker Sami A. is now awaiting judicial clarification. The main question here is whether the man from Tunisia should be brought back. However, the authorities of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Federal Ministry of the Interior, under the leadership of Horst Seehofer (CSU), could also have unpleasant questions. "Either it's an absolutely embarrbading chaos or it stinks in the sky, because the interior authorities wanted to set an example," said Green Party president Robert Habeck, the "SZ". Habeck warned of the deterioration of the rule of law. "Above all, it must be clarified whether the Interior Minister Horst Seehofer himself tried to circumvent the law and avoid the court decision."

Green Party President Robert Habeck commented on the case of Sami A.

© dpa / Kay Nietfeld

The News of Sunday, July 17

17:10: The Go-And- comes from a possible illegal expulsion of Sami A. caused considerable political damage from the point of view of SPD Vice President Ralf Stegner. The dangers threaten the country, but in dealing with them, "the law and the law, including the independence of the judiciary" should apply, said Stegner Saturday. "This distinguishes Germany from unjust states.Unfortunately, in this case, it is obvious that this principle has not been taken into account." The vice president of the SPD called for education and the political consequences. "It caused great political damage," he said.

14h00: The lawyer of the ex-guard of the body of Osama bin Laden, deported to Tunisia, sees no reason to return to Germany. As soon as Sami A. will be released in Tunisia, the embbady of Germany will have to issue him a visa to return to Germany, said Saturday the lawyer Seda Basay-Yildiz to the press agency German. The Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court had declared that the deportation of clbadified Tunisians was "grossly illegal".

The court made it clear in its decision that issuing a visa to return to Germany was a viable option, the lawyer said. [19659007] And also this deportation causes excitement: Bamf wants to expel the refugee, although he is threatened with death

Report against the Minister of the Interior Seehofer

13.18: The Tunisian judiciary has claimed responsibility for the deportees, Sami A. is a Tunisian citizen and is on the lookout for alleged terrorist attacks in Tunisia since January 2018, the spokesman for the anti-terrorist prosecutor said Saturday. , Sofiene Sliti, at the AFP news agency in Tunis. "This case concerns Tunisian justice, which is a sovereign state," he said. After being deported from Germany on Friday, A. was detained on remand and heard by anti-terrorist judges, the spokesman said. He is already registered in Tunisia. The spokesman stressed that his remarks concerned only the legal aspect of the case. He did not want to comment on the political question of a possible return of A. to Germany

12:56 pm: Does anyone want to simply make it important or is there any a serious problem for Horst Seehofer? As reported by WDR SPD MP Sven Wolf filed a complaint with the prosecutor in Berlin against the Federal Minister of the Interior. Although Wolf is the fundamental point of view, "that Germany must leave Germany", but, according to Wolf, while an interior minister must "respect the law" . The Remscheid politician is of the opinion that Seehofer "deliberately wanted to break the law to show that he can do something". As a result, he simply ignored the verdict of the Administrative Court of Gelsenkirchen

acted on his own as Horst Seehofer, as SPD MP Wolf said

© dpa / Carsten Koall

12:42: Das The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) described the reinstatement of Osama bin Laden's former body on Deutschlandfunk, which was ordered by the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court, depending on the case. The verdict reflects the quality of the rule of law, UNHCR spokesman Chris Melzer said Saturday. Melzer stressed that every asylum seeker has the right to a correct procedure. If the Administrative Court concluded that the expulsion of Sami A. to Tunisia violated the fundamental principles of the rule of law, it would be correct to clarify these issues.

7.59: According to the current court order, Sami A. should immediately be charged with being returned to the Federal Republic of Germany. However, there is still a small problem. It is unclear whether Tunisia would send its citizen to Germany. According to Tunisian government circles say (Saturday), because of allegations, it is hard to imagine that Sami A. could easily return to Germany. The plane with Sami A. on board landed Friday morning at 8:11 am local time at Enfidha airport in Hammamet. According to their own statements, the Tunisian authorities determine whether A. was involved in "extremist activities" in Germany. He is under arrest, said a spokesman for the Tunisian Ministry of Justice. A spokesman for the Tunisian anti-terrorist agency said Image that Sami A. is being interrogated in Tunis.

The news of Friday, July 13, 2018

19:20: The NRW Ministry of Refugees wants to appeal against the decision of the Administrative Court of Gelsenkirchen to bring Sami A. back to Germany Appeal . This will be done in cooperation with the Bochum City Immigration Office, the public prosecutor announced on Friday evening in Düsseldorf. [2059207] 17:20: The deportation of the ex-guard of the body of Osama bin Laden to Tunisia is a judicial decision to be overthrown . The deportation of Sami A. has been described as "grossly unlawful and contrary to fundamental constitutional principles," the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court said on Friday. Therefore, Sami A. "to immediately recover to the Federal Republic of Germany at the expense of the authority of aliens."

See also: Asylum for murderers, drug traffickers, rapists? The documents must reveal bad cases isolated

Sami A. makes a request

Berlin – The ex-guard of the body of the head of al-Qaeda Osama bin Laden, who is deported to Tunisia despite a ban, wants to return to Germany in court. The Tunisian has submitted an urgent request, which aims to be brought back to Germany, said Friday a spokesman of the administrative court of Gelsenkirchen. The competent chamber intends to decide on the application later in the day. The newspaper "Bild" reported it first
The Administrative Court of Gelsenkirchen considers that it is possible that the Islamist author Sami A., who had been expelled to Tunisia despite his ban, be brought back to Germany. "It now depends on whether and how the person concerned defends against deportation," said court spokesman Wolfgang Thewes Neue Ruhr / Neue Rhein-Zeitung

. At the question of whether the author could be brought back to Germany, he said: "It is actually North Rhine-Westphalia and the court."

The administrative court expelled former bodyguard of al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden. Thursday forbidden, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf), but only informed Friday morning of the decision. Sami A. had already been transported Friday morning at 7 am by a chartered plane from Düsseldorf to his native Tunisia.

Criticism of the Bamf

The spokesman of the court criticized the Bamf. "The Bamf gave the impression that we are waiting until we have decided." The action of the authority was "contrary to all the customs and informal agreements". The Bamf is subordinate to the Federal Ministry of the Interior.

Tunisian Sami A. has been clbadified as an Islamist threat. Bin Laden is the founder of the al-Qaida terrorist network. He was killed by an American commando in Pakistan in 2011.

Sami A. has been living with his wife and children in Bochum for years. The Tunisian is clbadified by the authorities as a so-called threat. He was arrested at the end of June and sent to a detention center after the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) lifted the ban on deportation. On the other hand, Sami A. defended himself before the administrative court with an urgent request, which now gave him reason

dpa / fn / AFP

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