News: Toronto – At least nine people injured by bullets – Sagittarius dead


The most important news in the brief overview:

  • At least nine wounded in shooting in Toronto (6h 07)
  • Schäuble warns CSU before national expansion (4:50 am
  • Parliament Cuban blesses the new constitution (0.15h)

The news of the day in


+++ 06.07 Clock: At least nine wounded in shooting in Toronto – Sagittarius dead ++ +

In the Canadian City

shot dead at least nine people Sunday night (local time), claiming that the gunman died, police said in the metropolis to a million According to CBC News, shots were fired on a busy street in the Greektown neighborhood.

Many of the injured were seriously injured, including the Toronto Sun and the local radio station 680 News under Beru Check the rescuers, even a child was ble sse, declared the

with. The crime scene would be spread over several blocks.

+++ 05:46: Hundreds of rescued refugees in the Western Mediterranean +++

The Spanish maritime rescue saved 400

in the western Mediterranean, Thus, the number of migrants brought since Friday at over 1100 has increased, Spanish television reported, citing the authorities. The refugees traveled on more than 50 boats in the Alborán sea and in the Strait of Gibraltar. They are thought to come from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Africa. Rescuers took people to various ports in southern Andalusia

+++ 04:35: Marburg Confederation insists on data protection for patients' electronic records +++

Doctors insist also on the need to create an electronic file for patients. Compliance with data protection. Disclosure of patient data to health insurances, employers and other third parties must be excluded, required the medical badociation

Marburger Bund
in a position paper

According to Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) 2021 can also view their patient data via a mobile phone and tablet. Corresponding instructions, he wanted to make money even this month, the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung". "Insured people should also be able to access their electronic record on tablets and smartphones," says Spahn.

+++ 4:32 am: Eleven Taxi Drivers Killed in South Africa +++

In South Africa, foreigners are shooting open fire with taxi drivers on board and fired eleven aircraft. ;between them. Four others were seriously injured during the raid in KwaZulu Natal province, police said.

According to the report, minibus drivers came from a colleague's funeral and were returning to Johannesburg when they were attacked. In total, 17 people were on board. The four wounded were in danger of death, he said. Two men survived without being injured.

Private minibuses are an important means of transportation for millions of South Africans. However, important roads are fiercely contested, violence between rival taxi companies is not uncommon.

+++ 04:05: Schäuble warns CSU before national expansion +++

Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble warned CSU against national expansion. "The particularity of the CSU is not only its political influence, but also its particular Bavarian identity," said the CDU politician of the "Augsburger Allgemeine". In such a case, the CSU risks "losing part of its Bavarian identity," added Schäuble. In the refugee policy dispute, a breakdown of the alliance between the CDU and the UHC was no longer ruled out. Although the acute conflict has been settled since the end of June.

+++ 4:04 am: More evidence of multidrug-resistant pathogens – treatment options are declining +++

In an increasing number of hospitalized patients in Germany, germs that are resistant to Reserve antibiotics are detected. This is the result of data from the National Reference Center for Gram Negative Pathogens (NRZ) of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, recently published by the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin. In almost all three samples from the previous year – in 2533 cases (2016: 2262) – we found enzymes that are produced by bacteria and resistance to, among others, carbapenem group antibiotics.

so most of the antibiotics are very effective. Doctors should resort to the "Reserve Reserve," said biologist Niels Pfennigwerth of the NRZ on request. These medications often have disadvantages, such as side effects.

The NRZ report is based on more than 8,000 samples (about 7,400 in 2016) that 355 laboratories in Germany sent to the NRZ in 2017. Such clarifications usually exist when an antibiotic does not work on a patient . According to Pfennigwerth, representative data on this subject are not yet available in Germany

+++ 03h19: Armament transactions with Turkey and Saudi Arabia have almost completely ceased +++ [19659009ThenewfederalgovernmenthasarmbadportstoSaudiArabiaandalmostcompletelystoppedinTurkeyintheearlymonthsofitsmandateAccordingtoaresponsefromtheMinistryofEconomytoarequestfromtheleftsideexportpermitswereissuedinafewindividualcasesforbothcountriesbetweenMarch14-thedaythenewcabinetwbadworn-andJune30NATOpartnersinTurkeytherewerefivelicensestotaling418279eurosIncomparisonduringthesubstantiallyshorterperiodbetween1Januaryand13March201834exportlicensesforTurkeyworth€97millionhadbeenissuedLastyearithadbeenintherangeof342millioneurosExportpermitsforSaudiArabiain2016amountedtoonly839millioneuros

Of the export applications for Saudi Arabia, the new government approved only 28,563 euros. During the first ten weeks of the year, there were four armaments contracts worth 161.8 million euros.

+++ 00:15: The Cuban Parliament Blesses the New Constitution +++

The Cuban Parliament has the new Constitution Sunday which aims to further open the socialist island nation to the market economy and to strengthen the rights of its citizens. The deputies voted unanimously in Havana for the 224 articles of the new constitution. The head of state, Miguel Díaz-Canel, delivered at the end of the parliamentary session a reform that "will strengthen the unity of Cubans to the revolution".

From August 13, Fidel Castro The constitutional text is currently being debated by the people and then put to a vote in a referendum. Díaz-Canel called on citizens to participate "actively and consciously" in the debate. Every Cuban should "freely express his opinions and help to obtain a constitution that reflects the present and the future of the Fatherland".

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