Nicaragua: Ortega accuses the church "Putschplan"


The President of Nicaragua accused the country's Catholic Church of being part of a coup against his government. The bishops are not mediators in the political crisis, but are part of a coup plot, said Ortega at a celebration of the 39th anniversary of the Sandinista revolution in front of thousands of supporters in the capital Managua. This disqualifies the clergy to conduct a national dialogue between the government and the civilian opposition.

The president's speech was broadcast on government orders on all television and radio stations in the country of Central America. Thousands of public employees should gather at work centers for the official celebration of the ruling party, the Sandinista National Liberation Front. In the capital, the police established security zones.

Meanwhile, neighboring Costa Rica has accused Ortega of committing a mbadacre in Nicaragua. "Every day in Nicaragua, one person dies because of the crisis," said Foreign Minister Epsy Campbell. Before that, the Ortega government can not turn a blind eye. According to human rights organizations, more than 300 people have died in violent clashes in Nicaragua since mid-April. The government officially speaks of about 50 dead.

The conflict triggered a planned social reform. Although Ortega removed it, protests continued. Government thugs and police attacked protesters. The Catholic Church had negotiated a dialogue between the two sides, but the talks were stopped twice.

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