Night at a friend's house sparked a major research campaign after 19 years


DISTRICT SCHÄRDING. Because he had spent the night with a friend, but with his father something else had been agreed, was launched on July 28, a major search operation for a 19-year-old district Schärding [19659002The19-year-oldhadagreedwithhisfatherThatshouldpickhimupearlyinthemorningatafestivalinStFlorianWhenthefathercametopickhimuphelearnedfromhisson'sfriendsthathehadgonetothebathroomHoweverasthe19-year-olddidnotreappearthefestivalsitewbadearchedduringthenightandsearchedbytelephonewiththeyoungman

Great Missing Persons Search Campaign

The 28 July at 21:35, the 48-year-old man to the police that his son disappeared. A large search operation with four police patrols, a dog handler, a police helicopter as well as the FF St. Florian with 20 people was carried out. Shortly after 11 am, the father informed the officials that his son had just arrived safe and sound at home. He had slept with a friend and the battery of his mobile phone was empty.

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