Nine killed in Israeli attack in Syria «


An alleged Israeli attack on military positions by the Syrian government and its allies in northern Aleppo killed at least nine militants overnight, according to activists. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that at least six Syrians were among the dead.

10:48 am, July 16, 2018

The nationality of the other three dead fighters have not yet been determined. The Iranians were reportedly at the base of the Nairab military airbase, the target of the attacks. The UK-based observatory is supported by a network of activists in Syria. Their data can hardly be verified independently.

According to Syrian media, the Israeli army on Sunday evening bombed a position north of the military airport with rockets, but caused only material damage. The Israeli army did not first comment on the reports

According to his own statements, Israel intervenes only in the Syrian conflict when it sees its own security threatened. She rarely comments on her operations in Syria. In the past, there have been repeated Israeli attacks near Damascus and in the central Syrian provinces of Homs and Hama. However, Israeli attacks in areas as far away as Aleppo are rare.

The Israeli army has been particularly vigilant since the Russo-Syrian offensive of 19 June in the province of Daraa in southern Syria. In early July, it reinforced the presence of troops in the occupied part of the Golan. On Wednesday, the Israeli army said it intercepted a drone shot down by Syria.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is backed militarily by Iran and the Lebanese militia of Hezbollah – two declared enemies of Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has repeatedly stated that he will not tolerate Iranian fighters in Syria on the border with Israel.

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