"No asylum requests on the territory of the EU" «DiePresse.com


Austria is working within the EU to ensure that refugees can no longer apply for asylum in the EU territory in the future. According to an article from the Ministry of the Interior, which is the "profile" information magazine, this applies with a few exceptions. However, the number of migrants arriving in Europe via the Mediterranean has decreased considerably. At the same time, the Spanish route becomes increasingly important

The Austrian member of the Standing Committee on Security in the European Union (COSI) presented this proposal at a meeting of officials of the l & # 39; EU. Also the French newspaper "Le Monde" reported it. It is only in the "hotspots" outside the Union that future vulnerable people will be selected and transferred to the EU countries – but only as much as the countries of the EU allow.

The medium-term goal is that the EU values, their fundamental rights and their fundamental freedoms. "This would be in contradiction with the Geneva Convention on Refugees. Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal described the secret document as "food for thought." Interior Ministry spokesman Christoph Pölzl told the Austrian news agency that he could not comment on the secret newspaper

Criticism of the National Opposition

Criticism came from the SPÖ and list fungus, SPÖ spokesperson on security, Angela Lueger, said the federal government should take a commonplace, instead of "standing alone and constantly repeating what is wrong". Alma Zadic's Mandarin Mushroom said in a statement "to divert from our common European values ​​in the spirit of humanism". She invited Interior Minister Herbert Kickl (FPÖ) to submit the document to Parliament

. The head of the European Border Agency Frontex, Fabrice Leggeri, has warned against a new main route for migrants to Europe. "If you ask me what is my biggest concern right now: then I say Spain," said the Frenchman of "World on Sunday". In June alone, about 6000 irregular border crossings between Africa and Spain were recorded in the western Mediterranean. "If numbers increase as they have lasted, this path will become the most important," said Leggeri.

Arrivals in Italy and Spain are similar

Recent statistics show that the number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean coming to Europe has decreased considerably. According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), it was slightly lower at 46,500 during the first half of 2018, more than half of the same period last year. The evolution to Spain is reflected in the data: According to IOM data, about 85,000 migrants arrived in Italy in the first half of 2017 and only 6,500 in Spain, compared to 16,700 in Italy in the same period in 2018 and 15,600 in Spain.

The European Union had agreed at its summit meeting last week under the impression of the German government's crisis over a tightening of its asylum policy. Frontex needs to be strengthened by 2020 in order to close the EU's external borders. In the future, rescuers will be housed in central warehouses for collection in the EU. Similar camps in North Africa are under investigation.

In Germany, a coalition between the CDU and the CSU threatening the ruling coalition has emerged. After difficult negotiations, the parties of the Union and the SPD agreed Thursday that refugees at the border, who have sought asylum in another country, should undergo a "transfer procedure". Within 48 hours, they should be returned to the first EU land, if there is a corresponding agreement with it.

If there are any agreements

Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) had insisted that the German government not be accused Austria's conclusion. Quoting the German Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), Kurz said: "No refugee has been sent back from Austria to Austria."

According to Volker Kauder, leader of the faction, a separate agreement with Austria could become obsolete. The politician of the CDU hoped in an interview that Germany would succeed to bilateral agreements with Greece and Italy. "In this case, the question of a treaty with Austria would hardly arise," Kauder told the "Pbadauer Neue Presse".

Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn described the migration issue as "a test of the existence of the European Union". He feels that even at the top of the EU "all this is put aside," said Asselborn, the German news agency.

(APA / dpa / Reuters / AFP)

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