North Korea accuses the United States of "gangsters" "


The rapprochement between the United States and North Korea has been undermined: the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs has accused the United States of nuclear disarmament "gangster" and "greedy" following the visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mike Pompeo in Pyongyang Saturday. Pompeo went to Japan on Sunday. He baderted that the sanctions against North Korea were maintained until the "final" denuclearization.

Pompeo made "unilateral and gangsterous" demands on the nuclear issue, according to a spokesman for the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. At the same time, it offered no constructive action on the part of the United States. "It seems that the United States misunderstood our goodwill and our patience," said the spokesman. The hope of a constructive proposal from the United States was "naive".

Pompeo countered Pyongyang: "Then the world is a gangster"

Pompeo rejected the representation of Pyongyang during his visit to Tokyo. Progress has been made in the talks. Negotiations would continue in "good faith". "If these demands were gangsters, then the world is a gangster, because there was a unanimous decision at the UN Security Council on what needs to be accomplished," Pompeo said Sunday. Conversations in Pyongyang, progress alone, did not justify the relaxation of existing sanctions. These remained in force until the final denuclearization of North Korea. At the same time, Pompeo promised security guarantees during this process. The definition of denuclearization is broad and North Korea understands it and has not challenged it.

Pompeo had gone to Tokyo after two days of intense negotiations in Pyongyang. In the Twitter short message service, he talked about a "constructive meeting" with his Japanese counterpart. The "maintenance of maximum pressure" on Pyongyang has been discussed. Then Pompeo met with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. He said the solution to the nuclear conflict with North Korea was crucial for the stability of the region, but also global.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un completely denuclearized his country at a historic summit with US President Donald Trump. promised. However, no more precise definition, timing or control measures have been mentioned, which is why the agreement is criticized for being too vague. Experts see Pyongyang's criticism of Pompeo's tactics. North Korea wants to widen the gap between Trump and his top officials, trying to gain the upper hand in other negotiations


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