North Korea builds intercontinental ballistic missiles again «


Notwithstanding the efforts of détente, North Korea seems to continue to build ballistic missiles ICBM according to a report of the American media. The Sanumdong research center near Pyongyang is working on one or two liquid fuel rockets, the Washington Post reported on Monday. In Sanumdong was also manufactured the first ballistic missile ICBM from North Korea, which can reach the United States. A representative of the United States confirmed that the activities had been re-examined at the factory. Representatives of the North Korean and South Korean military gathered Tuesday for consultations in the border town of Panmunjom. It is confidence-building measures, said the South Korean party

on infrared photos and images to see transportation in the research center, said a person close to the center. Reuters agency. But it is not clear until a possible rocket construction is advanced. Liquid fuel rockets were not as much of a threat as rockets fueled by solid fuels. It takes longer to refuel them before a launch, and that is probably what intelligence services are likely to notice. The new possible rockets were probably used to improve robustness and accuracy, the insider said.

The US Presidential Office declined to comment on the information. President Donald Trump said at the conclusion of his meeting with leader Kim Jong Un that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat, but that the country continues to produce equipment for nuclear bombs, according to US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Nevertheless, progress can be noted in the talks between the US government and Pyongyang leaders. At the June summit, Kim promised to work on a denuclearization but did not mention any details

Panmunjom talks

The meeting of military representatives of North and South Korea was the second of its kind since June. South Korea's chief negotiator, Kim Do Gyun, said he would strive to achieve substantial results in order to reduce tensions and build confidence. The meeting aimed to reduce firearms and personnel in the demilitarized zone between the two countries. In addition, joint searches of the bones of soldiers killed during the 1950-53 war are expected to be deliberated. North Korea's negotiator, General Ahn Ik San, emphasized the role of the army in the quest for "peace and prosperity".

(APA / Reuters)

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