Now decided! 12 hours a day from September 1st


The decision to extend the maximum hours of work sparked very moving debates in Parliament on Thursday. Above all, the surprising advance of flexibilisation of working time on 1 September has outraged the opposition. On the other hand, the ÖVP and the FPÖ welcomed the "good law", which was eventually supported by the NEOS

. This decision, rendered after an unusually long debate of about four and a half hours, will bring the maximum working time to 12 hours a year. Extended day and 60 hours a week. However, normal hours of work basically remain eight hours a day and 40 hours a week. A SPÖ motion for a referendum on the issue did not result in a majority.

Flexibility of working time should come into effect on 1 September

Instead of the last draft, the flexibility of working time will not come into effect on 1 January 2019, but will come into effect effective 1 September 2018. This change was made only on Thursday morning, just before the start of the National Council meeting. Members of the opposition factions were informed of this change by the media, as strongly criticized Andreas Schieder, leader of the SPÖ, at the beginning of the plenary session.

The opposition found in this approach of the ÖVP and the FPÖ a disregard for all parliamentary practices, so that "the whole parliamentary process is made bad," Schieder lamented. Apart from this, the SPÖ, NEOS and the Pilz List again denounced the government's policy of implementing the bill through a request for initiative and, above all, without evaluation.

Representatives of government groups rejected the criticism aloud. The leader of the FPÖ club, Walter Rosenkranz, insisted that the ruling parties had acted according to the rules of procedure.


SPÖ leader Christian Kern spoke of "the most serious deterioration in three decades". The law was "unfair, half-cooked and completely unreasonable". And if we see that only the industry and the economy support the project, "because it was issued, what was ordered", we know, who uses the law , so Kern. "It's an attack on the workers, and not just as a traitor in history, you're injustice part of the program," Kern told the government


"Wrong and Lost"

For Rosary, all this was "false and false". The eight hour day, the 40 hour week, overtime premiums, collective agreements and company agreements would remain in effect. And more: people "look forward to new regulations," said Rosenkranz, MP for the opposition and others. called "Rabiat trade unionist" and accused them of a "Tourette syndrome".

August Wöginger, chairman of the ÖVP club, once again saw the law as a "win-win" situation for employees and employers. He bases his preference on 1 September on the fact that the law protects "workers' rights". Social Affairs Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ) has made every effort to defend the Karl Marx package: He said that "freedom is a luxury that not everyone can afford". With the regulation on working time now available "this freedom is possible for everyone and for all women", the head of the department stressed the possibility of consuming larger blocks of leisure.


The debate is accompanied by numerous interjections and actions "Taferl". Members of the ÖVP and the FPÖ had brought signs to support the fact that practically nothing changes for the workers: "8 hours a day", "40 hours a week", "it stays like that", so the message. The SPÖ resisted interdiction commissions, numbers 12 and 60 of which were crossed out in red.

"A lot of Taferln, little lard"

"A lot of Taferln and both sides, but quite a bit of lard," was then the verdict of Gerald Loacker of NEOS, whose faction of principle for greater flexibility. However, the government makes it "really difficult" because the law is "so bad that you might think that it was written by the black and blue clubs," says Loacker, who suspects the Federation of Industrialists of Canada. to be the scribe of the law. That his group eventually finally agreed, was justified to NEOS so that the desire for flexibility predominated.

A no came from the mushroom list: MP Daniela Holzinger-Vogtenhuber said that the government takes with its decision "zero consideration of health, zero consideration of the compatibility of work and family, zero consideration children ". As the 52nd and last speaker, ÖGB President Wolfgang Katzian (SPÖ), who indirectly threatened labor disputes, took the floor. Criticism also came Thursday from the Labor Chamber, which complained of a "Husch-Pfusch action".

The ÖVP and the FPÖ dismayed by protest action

There was outrage not only from the opposition and from the workers' representatives. The ÖVP and the FPÖ were dismayed by a protest action which placed them in the ranks of the trade union or the SPÖ: In the night of Thursday, posters, pavers and graves were placed in front of private addresses ÖVP and FPÖ and interpreted this as a threat by ÖGB and SPÖ. The respondents rejected the allegations. The general director of the SPÖ, Max Lercher, spoke of a "feeling of compensation for the facts", the allegations should be rejected in the strongest.

In addition to many members of the SP, party chairman Kern also was distanced from the action: "You have nothing to do with this case, you reject it deeply. "It's silly," says the party leader.

+++ This is the liveticker to read +++

So much for the LIVETICKER

The Ticker team wishes a good evening! [19659035] Mahrer: Decision of a flexible upgrade of working time Austria

"Parliamentary decision on flexible working time is an opportunity for companies and their employees," said Harald Mahrer, President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKÖ), on the new law on working hours . "We are on the verge of putting in place updated framework conditions and loosening the regulatory corset, which is often too narrow in Austria at work.This additional flexibility improves the location, but also benefits employees in the form more free time or money, "says Mahrer.

Schieder:" Zangerl the last social black man "

Schieder presented the package of the Declarations and Quotes: Thus, the Austrian Bishops' Conference called the approach of the ÖVP and FPÖ "questionable in terms of democratic politics" and spoke of a "disregard for family life" because of the length of the work. Working group of church employees criticizes the fact that "competition on the protection of workers" is planned and that it is "an intervention to the detriment of the workers". Similarly, the Tyrolean president of the AK "black Zangerl, who wanted the project to be "dismissed in its entirety." Schieder: "Zangerl is probably the last black social man"

SPÖ Carinthia continues for the referendum

Then a referendum on the day of 12 hours / week of 60 hours requires SPÖ Carinthia. "Anyone who talks about a more direct democracy, but when he resolves, as the devil fears the holy water, loses all credibility," recalls Sucher also rejecting a referendum on the ban on smoking withdrawn by the 39; ÖVP and the FPÖ

Wirtschaftsbund NÖ expresses positive

The Federation of Lower Austrian Enterprises welcomes the adoption of the reform of the Nationalrat Working Time Act. Thus the long-term requirements of the economy for flexibilization of the regulation of working time come to conversion. Sonja Zwazl, member of the regional group of the Lower Saxony Economic Association, sees the reform as a real step in the interest of the participants: "In our companies, there is a constructive co – operation. there is an occasional work time because an order must be completed or repaired

Heinisch-Hosek warns

The law on working time, which will lead to the 12-hour day, is "a street one way, "said SPÖ women's spokesperson Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek on Thursday. "The law only goes in the direction of those who can command, while workers who want to take a different direction, will find in the court." Although we can dismiss overtime, then risk a layoff. "In this case, the law provides that within 14 days before the Labor and Social Court to raise objections" – after being dismissed, Heinisch-Hosek criticized.

Labor lawyers face many questions of interpretation

Following the decision to extend the maximum hours of work, experts warned companies against blockages Thursday, especially for companies . Questions of interpretation, to which others have now been added, "said Wolfgang Kapek of the law firm Tailor Wessing

One thing that remains exciting is the question of who is really excluded of the field of application of the laws on working time. It should also be the "third level of management" as well as "experts". If this has really been clarified with the "independent authoritarian decision-making power", however, will only become apparent. In particular, in the multiple transfer of time credits or the desire of the workers to get the 11th and 12th hours "credited", it would be even more pots than before they formed. "For reasons of practicability, companies are certainly facing other challenges," Kapek continues.

In a roll-call vote, a total of 119 MPs voted in favor of the law, while 55 voted against

With the votes of the ruling parties and NEOS, the National Council voted the controversial law on working hours, which provides for the possibility of extending the maximum hours to twelve hours a day, 60 hours a week. The extremely lively debate revealed that the subject would continue to occupy domestic politics for the moment, especially since there was no convergence of views between the government and the opposition. at the meeting today. While the ÖVP and the FPÖ saw the new provisions as a reaction to the modified working environment and welcomed the more flexible organization of working hours, the SPÖ and the Pilz list complained from a mbadive deterioration of staff. Leisure and loss of payment The parliamentary approach to decision making without consultation of the committee and the entry into force of the amendments, which came into effect on September 1, 2018, also caused outrage. The SPÖ did not listen to their request for a referendum on the amendment.

The Government does not guarantee new interventions on Sundays and public holidays

The Federal Government responds to the criticism of the Episcopal Conference on the law on professional rest and ensures that the "opening hours on Sunday and holidays are not extended beyond the existing level. "This is the chairman of the ÖVP club, August Wöginger, who represents the ruling party as part of the flexible time resolution, declared Thursday at National Council The Minister of Economic Affairs, Margarete Schramböck (ÖVP), said for her part that she "fully approves" and "supports" the statement read, writes the Kathpress in a broadcast

D & # 39; other calls for referendum

According to Philipp Kucher, member of the SPÖ It is surprising with what "experts" this government "looks up" and defends the day of 12 hours. "There will be the Minister of Economic Affairs ues, who obviously shows his heart for the employees at the Industrial Federation's badtail parties, or the president of the FPÖ club, who knows how things are going in the companies, "said Kucher. In general, the government presents the criticism of the 12-hour day as a "socialist conspiracy". "One has to wonder what the Bishops' Conference, the Red Cross and the firefighters all supported against the 12-hour day to face the socialist revolution," Kucher said, "it's also incomprehensible why you need to A law, if according to the government everything is the same anyway.

flexibilisation of working time with 12 am day decided

Now, correct! Katzian concludes the debate with Kampfrede

As a 52nd and last speaker, ÖGB President Wolfgang Katzian (SPÖ) delivered a calm but eloquent speech, warning ÖVP and FPÖ against the deprivation of rights and the humiliation of democracy.

After the decision of the National Council, the focus will now be on the Bundesrat and if nothing has been done, "we highlight the customers Katzian indirectly threatens labor disputes

Keck asks a referendum [19659026] "If you really want to know what the workers think of their law as a 12-hour day, then vote on the SPÖ's request for the referendum on this law," SPÖ MEP Dietmar Keck asked on Thursday. National council. Keck, himself a member of the company committee, pointed out that, contrary to the demands of the coalition parties, there is no protection against dismissal for workers who do not want to work the eleventh and twelfth hours. "You will be fired first, then you will be able to defend against termination – but you can do it now – it's not a protection against dismissal," Keck said.

The Socialist Union castigates "the law on exploitation"

"The ÖVP and the FPÖ decide the law on the theft of wages and leisure: this law d & # 39; government exploitation is a general attack on all workers. " "Rainer Wimmer, President of the Group of Social Democratic Trade Unionists (FSG) in the ÖGB

" With the amendment of working time to the unconditional day of 12 hours or 60 hours, the blue government -Black Instead of following international trends and reducing working hours, a catastrophic decline is occurring in Austria, "says Wimmer

SPÖ and ÖGB distancing themselves from pavement action [p19659034] SPÖ and the union denounce the party in power n on the alleged threat of deputies by paving stones back. ÖVP and FPÖ had previously reported that in the night of Thursday, posters, paving stones and tombs were placed in front of the private addresses of MPs of the ÖVP and FPÖ. Coalition parties called it a threat by ÖGB and SPÖ

Leichtfried: "arrogant government"

Spokesperson of the European SPO Jörg Leichtfried criticized the government: "For all arrogance, you do not will not let go of this problem. "Electors are chasing you out of your well-aired desks."

Knes: "Government Will Always Be Surprised And Black Eyes"

"Today, 3.7 Million Workers Should Make the experience of how this government is buying them. ", criticized SPÖ deputy Wolfgang Knes. "The FPÖ as the alleged representative of the little man is revealing today with all the workers."

The debate on working time is prolonged

The debate on the extension of working time resumed Thursday afternoon. After four hours the SPÖ sent more and more speakers and asked for a roll-call vote

Stöger presented motions for resolution

With two motions for resolution, the SPÖ wanted at least to make some improvements to the workers. SPÖ member Alois Stöger presented two motions for resolution in the National Council debate on Thursday. On the one hand, the SPÖ requires on the one hand a worker's right to a unilateral time limit for the consumption of time credits. On the other hand, SPÖ deputies demand the introduction of the sixth week of vacation.

Muchitsch: "Let people decide"

"I worked for 10 years on the construction site – at first as a bricklayer apprentice, in the end as a site supervisor – but what you say about unrealistic stories really hurts "Josef Muchitsch, SPÖ spokesperson, on Thursday. "If you care about people, do not disagree with this law, let people decide."

Haubner: No coexistence without volunteering

"We firmly believe that we can modernize the world of work and therefore more freedom for every individual," said ÖVP-Haubner. The SPÖ must not continue to destabilize people and draw a bad portrait of entrepreneurs: "We, entrepreneurs, create and secure jobs and seek in our companies a good coexistence". This coexistence of workers and employers is finally the basis of their mutual success

Hartinger-Klein with Marx Quote

The Minister of Social Affairs, Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ), decided to extend the working time with a quote from Karl Marx defends. He once said, "Freedom is a luxury that no one can afford." With the regulation on working time now available "this freedom is possible for everyone and everyone," said the head of the department.

Holzinger: "Today is a black and blue day"

000 employees and their families who say A – like working time, also B – have to take care, but the federal government wants a lot more A – as working hours, namely 12h per day and 60h per week and much less B Attention, in this case, the custody of children – and this does not correspond to the best will! ", So Daniela Holzinger, worker, social and family spokesperson of the list of mushrooms

Schramböck: Uniform for living practice

If we create a unified framework for the practice of life, I urge all the people involved to reduce their emotions and to return to a discussion based on the facts.The workers did not gain this insecurity, which is caused by alarmism partly deliberately fomented, "said Margarete Schramböck , Federal Minister for Digitization and Business,

Anderl criticizes the "disrespectful" approach

The government plans to accelerate the introduction of new rules on working time from the September 1st. "The 12-hour law is obvious and it does not improve if it is presented as a surprise," said AK President Renate Anderl.

"This approach is disrespectful to Parliament and other workers who receive the 12-hour day immediately after the summer holidays," says Anderl.The new boss of the AK has received support The Socialist Youth protested by presenting a burial in the Economic Chamber against the introduction of the maximum working time of 12 hours a day, so that the "new world of work" will look like an accident and a risk of heart attack after the 12-Stunden-Schicht

"today is a dark day"

Schieder, the head of the club SPÖ, speaks of a "day" black for Austria ", The new regulation on working time meant" robbery, leisure theft and health theft. "

Wöginger: Win-Win-Situation

Today, we decide on a balanced package in the interest of all. the raising of working time is a win-win situation for employees and employers, says club president ÖVP Wöginger

Niessl: The social partners must work on the solution

Hans Niessl, governor of Burgenland on the train. He thinks that "the social partners working together should find solutions to invite the union to a table – including employers – and try to find a good solution," he told APA Thursday. "During the debate on flexibilisation of working time, the SPÖ shows its true face, marked by empty arguments and the display of threats of violence. In the night from yesterday to today, candles and paving stones in front of the houses and apartments of the FPÖ and ÖVP deputies sent a clear message to intimidate the attorneys and their families, "said Walter Rosenkranz , President of the FPÖ

"In the 21st century, the world of work has its own challenges. We as the party in power, and probably all the other factions – think about "Plan A", gave us this problem Because we work on a principle: the performance must be worth it. Skilled entrepreneurs and hard-working employees want to reach an optimum for their business and that is exactly what this law is intended to – create a framework to create the best possible and flexible conditions. "

Haubner was a victim of asphalt

The ÖVP MPs speak of the incident:" My wife called me this morning and said that she had found a pavement and a grave light in front of the entrance to our office. "" What could it mean to me? "He would become such an activist do not be intimidated.

More here: deputies of the ÖVP with pavements "threatened"

"This does not matter to him"

"What does Sebastian Kurz say about it?" It does not matter to him, "said Schieder, brandishing a photo of the demonstration against the 12-hour day," It's not what we want, "

" Look at your Facebook page, "what people are telling them write, Schieder told the government. "This is not what we want," we often read here.

Schieder am Wort

The head of the SPÖ club strongly criticized the 12-hour day in advance. Even now, he will probably hand over the government.

"The workers are quite mature"

"The Austrian workers are mature enough to decide for themselves what the new law on working time brings," says Wolfgang Klinger of the FPÖ

Schilder Duels [19659058]  df.jpg

Signs in the ranks of SPÖ


Signs in the ranks of the ÖVP and FPÖ

Hartinger-Klein on the word

"For the majority of workers, normally nothing changes, it remains the 8-hour day and the week of 40 hours work. " 19659035] Holzinger-Vogtenhuber on the word

The member of the list of mushrooms criticizes that the government does not think about child care. "I wonder if you, in the policy that makes them, really live in reality."

Club Chief ÖVP Wöginger defends 12-hour day

"We are on a voluntary basis and we are anchored in the law."

Protests at the National Council

 Unnamed 3.jpg
© oe24.TV

Request for a referendum

Kern announces that he will table a referendum. We will not accept this approach.

"We will resist – and not just today"

Kern announces that he will take action against the 12-hour day: "We will resist – and not only today." "You are doing injustice to the program," Kern criticized further.

"In and Through Unreasonable"

SPÖ boss Kern fiercely criticized the plans for the 12-hour day. The law was "completely unreasonable".

The Strache interview ended

The first item on the agenda, Question Time to the Minister of Sports, Heinz-Christian Strache, has just been closed to the National Council. Now, the 12-hour day at the National Council will be discussed

criticism rejected

Walter Rosenkranz, the boss of the FPÖ Cub, and August Wöginger, the chairman of the ÖVP, strongly rejected the criticism. The work is done according to the rules of procedure of the National Council, said Wöginger – and will send the current motion to the political groups anyway. The change request had already been submitted last Friday, but now it changes a bit, he said: "What's changing now, it's the deadline for entry into force," said Vice -president of the club. Rosenkammer also insisted that the ruling parties acted in accordance with the Rules of Procedure: "I could not infer that a transaction would have been contrary to the rules of the company."

Strolz a also indignant

NEOS club president Matthias Strolz has joined the editor Schieders. He underlined that his group is in principle in favor of the project of flexibilisation of working time. However, the approach of the ÖVP and the FPÖ is "not a way to work together", so his criticism. He also addressed the President of the National Council: "I would like to ask you to influence the majority factions, that this ignorance has an end." Strolz, like Schieder, pointed out that he did not agree with the general treatment of government groups on the subject: "They are deliberately taking the path of ignorance" he has stressed that the FPÖ and the ÖVP had presented the project as a proposal for initiative. without expert advice will bring across the stage. "I expect you, Mr. President, that you take a more decisive, clear and non-partisan position here," he said to Sobotka

Sharp criticized Schieder

the government to the law scheduled on the introduction of the 12-hour strong day. Already from 1 September the new law should come into force, "and without the opposition the appropriate applications in time to make available."

new rules of working time already from 1 September

Rules on working time to extend the maximum hours of work to 12 hours a day or 60 hours a week should be introduced earlier than expected. Originally, the new law on hours of work, which will be pbaded Thursday at the National Council, is expected to come into effect on January 1, 2019, now it should be September 1.

Welcome to the ticker!

searches the law today on the 12-hour day at the National Council.

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