Now the ban on the headscarf should come in the children's gardens – News


Already in the coming weeks, there should be a settlement proposal in elementary schools.


Prohibition of wearing headscarves in schools – yes or no

The government has announced the ban on wearing headscarves a few months ago – since then the ban has sparked Vivid Debates

A written document from Strache's office states that it aims to protect children from symbols and clothing that have a negative impact on their development in childhood.

Girl in the kindergarten "stigmatizes" ]

The ban will allow girls to lead a self-determined life in society. Heinz-Christian Strache explained that the headscarf was banned for a long time even in public schools in Turkey. "The headscarf is clearly an expression of political Islam, which we want and need to push back the influence in Austria," Strache stresses in relation to the Sunday issues of several newspapers.

According to Strache are not allowed "that girls are stigmatized and badualized in kindergarten."

The project is delayed

In fact, the project should have been completed in the summer, but nothing came out, Because, as explained the Ministry from Education to the "standard", there are delays – "" reported.

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