The governor of the National Bank, Ewald Nowotny, is in favor of a clear identification of ATMs, to which money is badociated with fees. This marking must also be attached to the outside of the equipment. "It is absolutely necessary, I think it is essential," said Nowotny Wednesday at the Vienna Business Journalists Club.
The boss of OeNB generally considers that the provision of ATMs is sufficient. However, one of the problems could be the existence of gaps in the local supply. But there is no study known to him. This topic of care, however, should be discussed in principle in order to see how much practical relevance is.
It is only recently that the Constitutional Court (VfGH) has opposed a general ban on debit fees. Fees should be negotiated "in detail". The third party costs would not be borne by the banks. The Ministry of Finance is now asking banks for corresponding transparent account templates.
Italy: rising interest rates as a "potential problem area"
The rise in interest rates of Italian government bonds related to the controversy between Italy and the European Commission over the budget of the Italian state could pose a "potential problem" for the Italian government Italy next year, said Mr Nowotny.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is currently developing a monetary policy for the euro area and not for Italy, Nowotny said. With regard to developments in Italy, the ECB sees no development with "mbadive repercussions on the euro area". The ECB always starts from a global picture, but must react to unexpected developments. These are not currently seen.
The Italian problem is tax policy. This is a debate for the EU and not for the ECB, although it is well understood that the interest rate policy also has an impact.
The increase in yields currently observed for Italian government bonds is still well below crisis levels and the previous period. The problem in this context is that these developments in the capital markets have had a delayed effect, namely when Italy would again raise funds on the capital markets. "These are the most relevant effects on the capital market," said Nowotny. Italy has a considerable refinancing need in the coming year. At present, we can not predict how this will affect. "It is very difficult to anticipate the reaction of the capital markets," said Nowotny.
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