Nuclear conflict with Iran: US imposes sanctions


In the dispute over the Iranian nuclear deal, the United States continues to press. Hard punitive measures should force Tehran to the negotiating table. It's more than the nuclear program.

In the conflict over the Iranian flavor program, the United States continues to press and impose the most severe economic sanctions so far. Above all, they must touch the oil industry, the financial sector as well as the transport industry and important ports. The US announcement had sparked international criticism.

The purpose of the punitive measures is to force Iran back to the negotiating table. The US government led by President Donald Trump wants to get a new edition of the nuclear deal of 2015, but with much stricter conditions. In addition, Tehran's role in the Middle East should be limited. Iran, on the contrary, accuses Washington of wanting to change government in Tehran and thus weaken the country's economy.

Unilateral termination

The new sanctions provide for severe penalties for any company that does not comply with US sanctions. The fact that these companies will no longer have access to the US financial system and will no longer be able to process transactions in US dollars is particularly dissuasive. German companies with interests in Iran are also concerned.

On May 8, US President Donald Trump annulled the international nuclear agreement alone, at a heavy price for relations with his European allies. The nuclear deal, which includes China, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Russia, is considered one of the most important but controversial international agreements. In this document, the international community undertakes to renounce sanctions against the Islamic Republic.

The EU is hoping for a special vehicle

In return, Iran must notably omit the enrichment of uranium, so that the production of nuclear-grade material is excluded. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has consistently certified to Iran that it has discharged its obligations.

On the other hand, Trump justified this release, in particular by the fact that Iran 's promise not to continue working on the development of nuclear weapons is untrue. Iran reportedly worked on the development of a ballistic missile that could be equipped with nuclear warheads.

According to other allegations, Iran would pursue a policy of destabilization in the Middle East and be the main funder of terrorism.

In order to maintain at least part of its economic relations with Iran, EU countries are using to create a vehicle specifically designed to facilitate the payment of Iranian business transactions if private banks refuse to pay due to impending sanctions imposed by the United States. The special vehicle could, for example, allow barter transactions without cash flows. When she can start her work, we still do not know.

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