Officially Authorized Private Property: Cuba Eliminates Communism from the Constitution



  Although Miguel Díaz-Canel is now president of Cuba, his predecessor Raul Castro (sitting in uniform) still has a lot of influence - he is still Secretary General of the Communist Party.

Even though Miguel Díaz-Canel now President Cuba, his predecessor Raul Castro (sitting in uniform) still has great influence – he is still Secretary General of the Communist Party (Photo: imago / Agencia EFE) [19659004] Monday, July 23, 2018

Cuba is giving itself a new constitution, and it seems at first modern. Private property and same-bad marriage are allowed, even the word "communism" is deleted. But there are also critics

The Cuban parliament has adopted a new constitution recognizing, among other things, same-bad marriages and private property. In the draft adopted Sunday in the capital Havana, the term communism also disappears from the constitution for the first time. However, the Communist Party of Cuba remains the only legal party of the socialist state of the Caribbean.

President Miguel Díaz-Canel ruled out the transition to a market-based system last week. There would be no deviation from Cuba's "revolutionary politics" and no "capitalist turnaround", he said. Cuba's "socialist character" remains intact.

Future presidents should be allowed to remain in office for a maximum of ten years. In addition, the "President of the Republic" in the future to be a separate office and no longer as before the President of the State Council.

No place for fundamental rights

The Spanish newspaper "El País" criticized the fact that the text of the Constitution leaves no room for fundamental rights such as freedom of the press, accession to unions and the political badembly. Their compelling need is "not compensated in any way" by achievements such as free health and education in Cuba

Cubans will discuss reform in public forums until November, followed by a referendum on the first new constitution since 1976 Vote. The new paragraphs refer for the first time to the concept of private property and recognize foreign investment as an important factor of economic growth.

The constitutional reform proposals emanate from a commission presided over by the former head of state Raúl Castro. The reform of the Constitution, which was amended three times after 1976, aims to establish the course of economic liberalization that the country has been pursuing under Castro since 2008. This includes recognition of the important role of foreign investment – without changing anything about "the irreversibility of socialism" and the preponderant role of the PC. Raúl Castro continues to be Secretary-General of the ruling Communist Party

Under the new constitution, work in the private sector should be expressly authorized after approvals have been suspended for about a year. This applies in particular to gastronomy, the taxi industry, service companies and the rental of apartments. According to official data, there are currently 591 000 people, or 13% of the working population, in the small but dynamic private sector.

Marriage is now a marriage between two people

In the future, there will be stricter controls. Small and medium entrepreneurs must have a bank account to track all transactions. They must also pay taxes and prove the legal source of their income. In addition, only one business license should be granted per person in order to avoid the accumulation of personal wealth.

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