Often more heat than death in Austria – Austria –


24.07.2018 19:14

(Law of 24.07.2018 19:14)

  Calculated after "over-mortality" of AGES - "moth" with new numbers. "Title =" Calculated after "excess mortality" of AGES - "moth" with new numbers. "/>
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Calculated after "excess mortality" of AGES – "Falter" with new numbers

For the first time, there is a calculation model in Austria. It should also serve as an alert system.

Last year, according to the Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), there would have been more casualties than in road traffic (413 deaths in 2017) with a rate of calculated excess mortality of 586 summer heat deaths. Climate researchers warn

The calculations of experts involved by the AGES, the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (AGES), Statistics Austria and the Institute of Statistics of the 39 University of Technology Graz. Mortality rates badociated with weather information cover about 80% of the population. Heat-related excess mortality was calculated at 895 deaths in the summer of 2013, followed by 134 the following year, and then by 1,122 in 2015. Climate researchers cautioned about 1,200 deaths caused by climate change every year from around 2016. Excess mortality was not calculated for 2016 and one victim out of 586 in 2017.

Calculations have an appeal

Calculations have a catch: epidemiologically, everything seems to indicate that it is – similar at calculated deaths from influenza epidemics in winter – but individual death can not be justified causally. As a medical cause of death, circulatory failure, etc.

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