Oil has poured into the sea for 14 years


Since a hurricane sank the oil platform named "23051" in 2004, 36,000 and 83,000 liters of oil are flowing daily into the sea, reports the Washington Post. This means that the waters around the broken platform have been contaminated by 424 million liters of oil over the past 14 years.

The oil platform "23051" was purchased in 1998 by the unknown company Taylor Energy from BP. In 2004, "23051" sank into the sea when Hurricane Ivan swept the platform at a wind speed of about 230 km / h. Nearly 100,000 liters of oil were sunk into the sea, but 28 oil wells were released.

Ecologists meet the oil

Until 2010, the disaster was not detected until environmentalists discovered for the first time visible traces of oil. US authorities have largely underestimated the problem. They left a quantity of oil of 317 liters per day, which flows into the sea – Tayor energy even from seven liters.

Taylor Energy has agreed to pay $ 666 million to bridge the leak and build some sort of shield around the underwater wreck of the oil rig. However, this proved useless: oil was still flowing in the sea.

US authorities are badessing the impact of the spill that has spread over the last 14 years.

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