On August 21, the future of AUVA will decide


On August 21, the future of AUVA

VIENNA will decide. Hospital closures and centralization as options – state observer: "The soul of AUVA is not selling"

  The future of & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; AUVA is decided on August 21

Erhard Prugger President of the Land Image: WKO

Reduce Staff: These are some of the measures contained in an internal savings certificate of 39 accident insurance AUVA. The company committee, the union and the SPÖ strongly protest against him.

This is only a list of possible measures, says Erhard Prugger, AUVA Provincial Chief in Upper Austria and a member of the Federal Council: "We will discuss this in the coming weeks ". It is still completely open, which is really implemented.

On August 21, a council meeting is scheduled. There are seven employer and employee representatives each. President Anton Ofner on the employers' side has the right to make a decision in case of equality.

Shortening but also change

If we summarize all the proposals of the savings document, the result is 486 million euros in ten years should be lifted. That's almost the amount that the federal government requires from AUVA (500 million euros). Otherwise, it threatens, as indicated, the resolution. This is part of the social insurance reform of the ÖVP / FPÖ coalition

Video: The AUVA's austerity plan is designed, inter alia, to include hospital closures. 500 million euros must be saved. Health Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein denies this plan.

Because AUVA only has 90 million euros of annual administrative costs, structural changes are needed on the one hand. Mergers of hospitals and rehabilitation centers in Vienna and Styria as well as the creation of a GmbH for management are envisaged. On the other hand, the savings paper is not just about the cuts, but also the changes. More than half of the 486 million euros could be raised as AUVA receives more money from health insurance companies for the treatment of recreational accidents while providing them with money. least to other carriers. Here, AUVA criticized for a long time an imbalance. That the government insists on this is uncertain.

Of course, the political will is to be obeyed, says Prugger: "But we will not sell the soul of AUVA". This includes, for example, the management of accidents at work by AUVA. On August 21, there should be the largest possible majority on the board. Social Affairs Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ) says she does not know the newspaper. It will not come to hospital closures and performance restrictions. (az)

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