ÖVP Controversies at the 12-hour day


Is the court of the house, dance ÖVPler on the table. This is how Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, in his People's Party, made the trip to the United States: several representatives of the Black Workers Group ventured in the absence of the party leader and fired on him. The reason for dissatisfaction: the day of 12 hours

Karl Kapplmüller, the patron of the trade unionists of the ÖVP, began Thursday with the Steelworkers: he announced his resignation from the black ÖAAB and made it known that It is not the only one

Then the next big success: the head of AK Erwin Zangerl of Tyrol suggests to the boss of the ÖVP, August Wöginger, to resign as that boss of the ÖAAB: "It must be asked if these two functions are compatible." Zangerl is raging In any case, because of the approach of 12 hours of the coalition: "It is the biggest scandal of the Second Republic, "said Zangerl

General ÖVP:" The law improves the workers "

General Karl Nehammer locates in oe24.TV interview" misinformation "with his party colleagues. Therefore, he considers that a discussion process is appropriate. Zangerl: "It's the Greatest Wrong of the Second Republic"

AUSTRIA: Some colleagues of the ÖAAB are now jumping on your critical criticism at the government. ..

Erwin Zangerl: This government is going in the wrong direction. 80% of Austrians are employees, they can not be excluded, only to benefit from their own career. AUSTRIA: What exactly makes you tick?

Zangerl: We only receive information piece by piece

AUSTRIA: You think the ÖVP is talking about you on topics like the 12-hour day?

Zangerl: This is a tactic of stopping. AUSTRIA: Should the club's president, August Wöginger, resign from his position as head of the ÖAAB?

Zangerl: He must consider whether these functions are compatible. [19659089]]! function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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