ÖVP Wohnschaftsprecher wants more rights for owners – Vorarlberg –


26.07.2018 11:09

(Law of 26.07.2018 15:25)

  More Courage Wants Housing Spokesman VP Albert Hofer to Reform the Lease by the Federal Government

Bregenz – Albert Hofer, housing spokesman, speaks in the context of the reform of the Housing Act for more rights for apartment owners

Wohnschaftsprecher ÖVP Vorarlberg, Albert Hofer, wants to strengthen the rights of the owners. "Only a wider range of products reduces costs and makes affordable housing possible," Hofer said. However, this can only succeed if homeowners can be sure that they can fully dispose of their property, says Hofer.

Hofer points to five measures which he believes would reinvigorate the housing market:

  1. Duration of leases – no minimum period of three years
  2. In the absence of written agreement for the duration of the contract, the expression protection against unfair dismissal should no longer apply, which amounts to a de facto expropriation.
  3. Executory grounds for termination for the owners (eg, self-determination is a right) must be created
  4. Simplification of the areas of application of the law on tenancy, by which all exceptions previous to the law on the lease (houses with one or two objects, condominiums, etc. best

The modification remains an option

"If the federal government can not agree on a law on rentals very Simplified and favorable to homeowners, it should then delegate the leasing powers to the countries.I am sure that we in the Vorarlberg state parliament would quickly find a reasonable solution, "says Hofer

The federal government wants to better balance interests

In the Vorarlberg ÖVP, among others, the governor Markus Wallner or Nationalrat mandate Norbert Sieber for a change of the rental right. The federal government wants to better balance the interests of tenants and landlords. On the one hand, it needs incentives for new buildings, renovation measures and homeowners. On the other hand, life should be affordable. Until the new law on tenancy is pbaded, the ÖVP and the FPÖ want to change certain things in the existing law. Short-term leases must be licensed and promoted longer. With a business license, the coalition wants to legalize the daily rental. The simple transfer of favorable leases within the family has abolished, as well as the prohibition of the surcharge in the Viennese district of Gründerzeit.

Greens want maximum rent of 10 euros / m²

Greenwood producer Nina Tomaselli warns against the liberalization of the rental market be considered as a solution against the high costs of housing. "Proof that rents are falling, just because homeowners can tell rental conditions, Hofer guilty," says Tomaselli.

The Greens call rather to a brake on the cost of housing. This means: maximum statutory rents with free prices for new homes up to 30 years after their construction. "Subsequently, a moderate basic rent of 7.50 euros per square meter applies, which can be increased depending on the state of maintenance and equipment up to the end of the year. at a maximum rent of 10 € "

In Vorarlberg, 68% of leases are limited. only 20 percent. Rents are not imposed barriers, since statutory maximum rents, especially for apartments built before 1953, apply. Vorarlberg has only half as many non-profit apartments in Zuden as in the federal section, according to Tomaselli. "Wherever there is a market failure, the policy must intervene," says Tomaselli, who refers to the black and green construction program of 750 apartments a year.

  Price per square meter Price per square meter "/>

Price per square meter

Affordable instead of vacant

Housing is becoming more expensive, making affordable housing more and more difficult. There are tens of thousands of empty apartments in Austria and rents are increasing because supply and demand are regulating the price. A report of "Report" (ORF).

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