Owner of the house facing Mils burglar: wanted witnesses | Tiroler Tageszeitung online


Mils – At the right time, Milser, 59, was coming home Wednesday morning as he routed two burglars

Around 11:15, the perpetrators rang several times at the house of the Mils family. As the current son of the owner slept, he did not answer the ringtone. The thieves then badumed that no one was at home. One of them removed several grids from a cellar well and went down to the cellar window, while his accomplice was standing up.

Offenders fleeing: police demand clues

When burglars noticed the return of the owners, they fled separately from the garden and neighboring property in Milser-Heide-Straße towards Kirchstraße. From there, they fled with a blue car to the main road.

The victims are probably two men traveling on a blue Ford EcoSport, police report. Notes are requested from the police: 059133/7110

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