Pablo Casado is the new leader of the conservative party Partido Popular – News International: Europe


The 37-year-old deputy, Pablo Casado, was elected new leader of the Partido Popular (PP). He received 57% of the vote at the Spanish Conservative Party Congress on Saturday.

Casado's rival, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, accounted for 42% of the vote. Casado replaces Mariano Rajoy at the top of the party. Rajoy is a party leader since 2004 and prime minister since 2011, until he was overthrown and replaced by socialist Pedro Sanchez in early June by a vote of no confidence

Gracias ] @ ElioCabanes @MargalloJm @JoseRa_Ghdez @mdcospedal y gracias @Sorayapp through the laboratory al frente de la vicepresidencia del gobierno y por esta campaña limpia in that hoy podemos decir that salimos más fuertes y más unidos. # ElFuturodeEspaña

– Pablo Casado Blanco (@pablocasado_) July 21, 2018

The Partido Popular has been dealing with corruption scandals for years, and many of high rank Members have lawsuits, which also cost party votes.
(oli / sda)

Created: 21/07/2018, 14:42

Update to follow …

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