Parliament takes note of the closure of accounts


With the votes of the government parties ÖVP and Greens, the state parliament took note of the annual report and accounts 2017 Wednesday night. The country is doing without new net debt, but must dissolve the reserves.

The 2017 by the state government in June and Wednesday also approved by the accounts of the parliament in 2017 has a budget of 1.771 billion euros – an increase of 3.6 %. Vorarlberg is again without new net debt, but had to dissolve only two million euros of reserves

debt of 110.54 million euros

So end 2017 still 119 , 5 million euros of reserves were ready, the debt reduced slightly to 110.54 million euros. The highest expenditures – about 70% of the total – were in the health sector (455.44 million euros plus 2.3%), education (445.71 million euros). plus 1.8%) and the social sector (including housing subsidies). 357.49 million euros, plus 10.5%).

The budget for this year is 1.86 billion. The euro (plus 3.9 percent) has not yet provided any new debt. If necessary, reserves of up to 21 million euros can be used

Freedom, Social Democrats and NEOS have rejected the statement of accounts and financial statements as planned.


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