"Foregoing foods that break down quickly into sugar helps your body use fat stores as a source of energy." However, a strictly ketogenic diet is not suitable for everyone.
Instead, you can replace some foods with healthier foods without sacrificing carbohydrates.
1. juice vs fresh fruit
For many, a glbad of orange juice is a good morning. And the fruits are healthy, no question! In extracting, however, the good fiber is removed. What's left: sugar.
The result is even more serious if you do not press the juice yourself, but buy it at the supermarket. A glbad of apple juice quickly contains as much sugar as a cola can, even though it's different types of sugar.
"Many people think that juices are the best way to eat vitamin C. However, when you extract a fruit, you remove the fiber," says nutritionist Dr. Sarah Brewer.
"It's only about the whole fruit that you get all the important nutrients that contribute to maintaining a healthy gut microbiome."
Therefore, always focus on whole fruits. For breakfast, for example, you can pair an apple with a high protein nut butter. Or eat a fresh fruit salad: not only does it saturate better than a glbad of fruit juice, but it also refreshes your body.
2nd ice cream against Greek yogurt
To fight your belly fat, you must not demonize any type of sugar and remove it from your diet. However, beware refined sugar added artificially. This is unfortunately the case of many treats, especially ice cream.
If you're looking for a healthier alternative to sugar, focus on healthy options like Greek yogurt with fresh fruits like berries or apples. Cinnamon is also perfect.
As an interesting side effect, yogurt is rich in protein, which helps keep your hunger longer. All that you can also mash, in Popsicle shapes and freeze: The perfect alternative for healthy ice creams!
In the photo gallery: There are a lot of sugar cubes in these products
3. Chips vs. nuts
That tokens are unhealthy should not surprise anyone. The high salt content and the proportion of saturated fats do not make it all better.
If you still want to nibble, take nuts instead. They are full of protein and good fats, so they are very rich for a long time.
The beneficial effect of small plants is even proven by many studies. Research has shown that people who ate nuts for 12 weeks usually improved their diet.
Another study examined 28 months of the diet of more than 8,800 subjects. It turned out that those who ate at least two servings of nuts a week were 31% less likely to gain weight than those who ate infrequently.
Since nuts contain a lot of calories, you should not eat too much at one time.
4. Processed meat vs. fatty fish
Bacon and sausage are obviously bad for the thin line. In addition, they can affect your health if you eat too much – processed meats can be inflammatory.
These inflammations can have many negative effects and favor, for example, the fatty deposits on the organs. In particular, trans fats, found in foods such as fast foods and sweet baked goods, are harmful to the body.
Therefore, prefer to catch tasty and fatty fish, such as salmon. This one contains a high proportion of omega-3 fatty acids, important for heart health.
5. Muesli vs. eggs
Although cereals can be nutritious, most varieties contain too much sugar. So if you approve of a big bowl in the morning, your blood sugar level will drop a few hours later and you will suddenly be hungry again.
"A breakfast that is high in carbohydrate and low in fiber and protein can generate energy in the short term, but immediately afterwards, hunger is evident," says nutritionist Ian Marber.
So be careful of a balanced nutritional intake. For example, an egg with avocado and wholemeal bread is perfect. Eggs are also an excellent source of protein and can perfectly regulate appetite.
View sources
Tey, S.L., and. al (2011): "Nuts improve the quality of food compared to other energy-dense snacks while maintaining body weight", accessed 19.06.2019 https: //www.ncbi.nlm .nih.gov / pmc / articles / PMC3154486 /
Bes-Rastrollo, M., and. al (2007): "Nut Consumption and Weight Gain in a Mediterranean Cohort: The SUN Study", accessed 19.06.2019 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17228038
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