Planned Dog Incident Database –


A database in which incidents with dogs are stored is the central result of the roundtable on the possession of a dog. Several serious incidents involving dogs had led to the meeting.

Health Minister Beate Hartinger-Klein (FPÖ) invited state councilors from federal states to the meeting. In the perspective of the responsible Viennese city councilor, Ulli Sima (SPÖ) had expressed skepticism, as the purpose of the round table was not clear. She then said she was satisfied in the interview with "Wien heute": "There was a general consensus on the fact that in Vienna, of course, because of the urban situation, it was Is a distinct situation requiring different regulation. "

Beate Hartinger-Klein


Minister Hartinger-Klein announced a database and study

Study on the human-animal relationship

They agreed on a database in which incidents should be stored: "Where all the federated states have access and can see, it is a problem dog or with this holder, there is already had problems. " Responsible country meeting but brought it back to the agenda. Until now, a keeper with a problem dog can theoretically move to another state where there is no information about the animal.

The training of the holder before the purchase of an animal should have similar standards. Hartinger-Klein described the Styrian model as a "best practice model" with a legally prescribed dog ticket. Some might agree on a study on the "man-animal relationship". This should examine Vetmed in about three months exactly. When results are available, the round table should be continued.

Ulli Sima


The amendment to the law on livestock will be adopted on Thursday

The competence remains with the countries

Basically, livestock should remain under the jurisdiction of countries, the minister said at the end of the round table. There would be no consideration for establishing the laws on dog ownership in the alliance. "The subject is regional to deal with," Hartinger-Klein said. The department head also spoke against the general muzzle and leash requirement for all dogs. As a precautionary measure, should rather be "at the holder".

As a result, the result of the conversation on the amendment of the Animal Protection Law, which should be decided on Thursday in the state parliament: "I am happy that this decision is made.We have refined key points and have given dog license examiners skills. "However, at least for the moment does not come to be the mouth. The Greens have always found it necessary to debate the issue – more on this subject in the obligation to muzzle for the moment postponed (

A deadly dog ​​bite as a trigger

The tightening in Vienna was triggered by the attack of a Rottweilers on a 17-month-old boy in September in Ziegelhofstraße. The child died after several weeks in the AKH serious injury – more to Nach Hundebiss: a boy died (, 28.9.2018). The dog was euthanized – more about it in Rottweiler after the child euthanasia.


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