Stand: 06.07.2018 04:13 Uhr

23 years after the murderous attack on toxic gases in the Tokyo subway, the boss of the sect Aum was executed. Thirteen people were killed and more than 6,000 were injured.

Shoko Asahara, founder of the sect of Aum, responsible for the deadly Saringas attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995, was executed. A government spokesman confirmed the death of Asahara.

In addition to Asahara, 63, six other members of the sect were executed. This information has not been confirmed by the government spokesman. In total, more than 190 Aum members have done the business. The final trial was completed in January of this year.

Are the perpetrators martyred by the execution?

Asahara and twelve other men were sentenced to death. The head of the semi-blind sect was on death row since his conviction in 2004. The Japanese legal system reserves the right to keep the timing of execution secret until the last moment. . Human rights organizations have protested several times

Experts warned in the past that executions risked martyring in the eyes of their supporters

On March 20, 1995, from the Aum Shinrikyo sect were martyred. In the morning rush in several trains, plastic bags were stabbed with sarin, releasing the deadly nerve gas. The act occurred just under the governmental district of the Japanese capital. 13 people died, more than 6,000 were wounded.

The attack was aimed at preventing the raid of the police

The attack was aimed at preventing a planned police raid on their headquarters at the foot of Mount Fuji. Asahara, who bore the real name Chizuo Matsumoto, was later sentenced to death as a brain.

With information by Jürgen Hanefeld, studio ARD Tokyo

The Aum Sect

The Aum sect professes to a mixture of Nostradamus end-time prophecies with Christian and Buddhist. This includes a concept that justifies the murder of a person by attaining a higher spiritual status. The sect was founded in the eighties. At times, the cult had 40,000 followers worldwide. Among them, many academics, doctors and scientists. Despite the inhuman crime, the doctrine survives in two successor organizations: "Aleph" and "Hikari no Wa" gather supporters and money. According to official figures, the approximately 2000 members already have more than five million euros
