"Pokemon Go" clone of the Vatican: In "Follow Jesus Christ Go", you must pray and catch the saints



Vatican clone "Pokémon Go" In "Follow Jesus Christ, go", you must pray and catch the saints

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matthias giordano

In "Follow Jesus Christ, go", you must pray and catch the saints In "Follow Jesus Christ, go", you must pray and catch the saints

Source: photo / imageBROKER alliance

"Pokemon Go" is the most successful application of all time. And again, there are tens of millions of players. The Catholic Church apparently wants a piece of it. The Vatican has published a clone in which you must catch saints.

ebelief in the revolution, new age elements such as reincarnation, psychokinesis or occultism – the Vatican is generally not good at talking about the game "Pokémon Go".

More than 800 million players worldwide would obviously like to see them in their own ranks. Because, hold on, the Catholic Church has indeed developed a clone of the game of augmented reality of Nintendo: "Follow Jesus Christ Go" (for iOS, Android). No, it's not a joke.

Instead of monsters, you must capture here saints and other biblical characters.

If you catch a saint or other biblical figure, you will have a great character and answer the questions, reports the Italian Corriere della Sera. Only then will they be added to the "e-team" (evangelism team). Your "e-team" should help you master the tasks.

Here is what it looks like

Here is what it looks like

Source: Ramón Pané Foundation

Like Pokémon Go, Follow JC Go uses GPS coordinates to determine the position of the player and character. The environment is therefore included in the game and it can be used by anyone, anywhere in the world. For example, as a player pbading a church, you are asked to pray. If you complete the task, you will be rewarded with "Denarios", which you can then donate to a charity.

The development of the app cost about $ 500,000 – the game was funded by sponsors and private donors. A total of 43 designers, theologians, biblical scholars, church historians and engineers have been working on the app for more than two years, for a total of 32,000 hours, writes the Catholic news site. "CruxNow".

For those who want to hunt for saints now, mobile gaming is only available in Spanish. Other language versions will follow soon.

Source: Ramón Pané Foundation

Incidentally, Pope Francis has already given his blessing. Ricardo Grzona, director of the Ramón Pané Foundation, who developed the game, said: "You know, Francis is not very interested in technology, but he respectfully understood what we wanted to do with the application. to combine technology and evangelism. "

So catch them! Amen.

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