Police looking for a man to stab – Vienna


As reported by "heute.at", the knife attack took place on July 23 at 8 pm in the Neilreichgbade in Favoriten, Vienna


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A man had one A 38-year-old man was stabbed in the chest area. When his victim was already on the ground, the accused attempted to stab him again.

The 38-year-old man was defended in the attack and was injured by hand. His 28-year-old girlfriend was injured during the confrontation.

Police Contact

Police could now take pictures of suspected attacker

References are sent to the Criminal Investigation Bureau of Vienna, South Branch , Panzenböck Group, at the phone number. 01-31310-57120 or extension: 57800 requested

Description of the offender

The suspect may be between 30 and 35 years old and approximately 175 cm tall. He has a slender and well-trained figure, very short black hair, shaved, with loose hair and dressed in black.

He has tattoos on both arms, on the right arm he wears a kind of eight-pointed bow with both arms on his back. probably dark blue or black characters.

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