Police revealed drug trafficking: an asylum seeker in detention


Police revealed drug trafficking: asylum seeker in detention

STEYR. Two Afghan asylum seekers were at the head of a drug gang, which has now flown to Steyr after lengthy police investigations. After another accomplice, is still looking. They distributed about 15 kilograms of marijuana with a sale value of more than 150,000 euros in the Grand Molln. Molln, Leonstein and another asylum seeker from Molln acquired much of the addictive substance of the two main entrepreneurs and resold them profitably. The police were able to investigate more than 25 drug users.

In-depth investigations

Already earlier this year, four Afghan asylum seekers were arrested for drug trafficking. After thorough investigations of the police from the police station Kirchdorf came in the customer survey, and then new evidence of another addictive ring in Molln. A 24-year-old child who has spent more than 1.5 kilograms of cannabis herb has already been sentenced to several months of imprisonment

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