Police save 17 years of sexual abuse


LINZ – A police check at Linzer Bahnhof blew up a bad offender last Thursday – as announced yesterday. The 21-year-old caught a 17-year-old under the skirt. While the police patrolled the station just before 6:00 pm, checking the teens and their two companions, the 17-year-old girl typed a message on her mobile phone asking for help from the police. They then took all three to the police station, where the teenagers entrusted them. Faced with this, the 21-year-old man denied the allegations, but he was arrested on suspicion of badual badault and at the Linz police prison.

Young people on the way back

The police are looking for a second bad offender since Saturday morning: he should also have attacked a 17 year old. The young woman had three and a half hours in the district of Auwiesen, on the way back, when she was seized by the unknown from behind. He tried to move her away, but she managed to break free, then told the teenager to the police. The girl ran home and alerted the police. The search for the culprit – he is described as being around 30 years old with fair skin and dark hair – has not been conclusive. The investigation is underway.

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