Polling stations in Pakistan are open | TIME ONLINE


One hundred million Pakistanis will vote for a new parliament. More than 370,000 soldiers and 450,000 policemen guard the polling stations.


Soldiers in a Polling Station in Lahore , Pakistan
© KM Chaudary / AP / dpa

In Pakistan, under severe security arrangements, the legislative elections of began. Polling stations first opened in Lahore and in the capital Islamabad. More than nine million new voters
to have in the patriarchal fort
embossed country registered for the election. In total, more than one hundred million have the right to vote.

Already the day before, the security forces took positions around the polling stations. More than 370,000 military personnel and 450,000 police officers are on duty. For the first time, soldiers keep polling stations not only from outside – in so-called sensitive polling stations, military personnel are also stationed at polling stations. This should increase the feeling of security of voters. About 20,000 of the 85,000 polling stations were clbadified as sensitive by the electoral commission. the
mbadive military operation and the presence of soldiers in polling stations
but fed the fear of manipulation.

The race for the post of
Heads of Government engage in a duel between the
former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the former Prime Minister
Imran Khan cricket stars addition. The businessman Sharif was in front
just under two weeks on his return to Pakistan
Suspected corruption stopped
. He is the best candidate for the government
Pakistani Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N). Khan joins the
Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) opposition party. He rebelled
Finally, the votes are sought by Islamist extremists.

Main subject of the
The campaign was the bad economic situation. Heavy attacks
during election campaigns
were more than in recent weeks
175 people were killed, including three candidates.

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